
3 Tips to Keeping Your Children Healthy This Halloween

Keeping your children healthy this Halloween is likely on your mind.

With Halloween just around the corner, it’s time to start planning for this ‘candy fun filled’ event. 

If you’re like me, as my children get older, I look for ways to balance ‘their fun’ with ‘their health’.

Sure, it’s fun putting on your costume, walking around the neighborhood, knocking on doors and seeing everyone else doing the same. 

However, there is nothing worse than having your children up all night with a stomach ache, or worse yet, puking after too many Halloween treats.

Here’s 3 Tips to Keeping Your Children Healthy This Halloween

Tip #1: Have a Discussion

Set up the stage for ‘success’.

Start off by asking your children what ideas THEY have around how many treats they think is reasonable.

This gives a good starting point to negotiate what makes sense for your children.

I know for us, I had them choose 10 treats (single treats, not big bags) and hand over the rest.

Make part of this discussion a quick educational piece on the negative affects of too much candy, especially the ones with GMO ingredients.  

Health Consequences of GMO

Genetically modified organisms (GMOs) are potentially one of the greatest health concerns of our time.

In fact, the sure rise in autoimmune diseases, infertility, gastrointestinal problems and chronic diseases has been directly proportionate with the introduction of GM foods.

Luckily, this issue is gaining more media attention and activists are speaking out. 

Studies funded by consumer-oriented organizations, such as The Institute for Responsible Technology and The Environmental Working Group, have found an alarming number of connections between GMOs and health problems, including intestinal damage, inflammation, higher rates of disease, and even death.

What you can do to Avoid GMO

Know which foods are GMO and avoid them.

For your handy list of GMO foods, go here List of Foods Containing GMOs

For the those that want to dive in deeper into the adverse health and environmental consequences of GMO, go here GMO Research

I like to share this info with my children by printing out articles and highlighting the points that are most important.

Even as diligent as I am buying all organic, for extra ‘health insurance’, I personally take a probiotic and give it to my children daily. 

My favorite probiotic for children is HMF Child + Multi (for the added vitamin D and K)

The one I currently take is HMF Fitness. It has the added ingredients for healthy fat loss to keep me at my perfect body composition.

I rotate it with HMF Multi Strain. 

It’s a good rule of thumb to change your probiotics (and monthly supplements) for best health and performance. Just like you change up your foods.

Tip #2: Create a Candy Buy Back

Another good tip to keeping your children healthy this Halloween is to have your children weigh their candy and buy back $1 for every pound of candy. That way, they use the money for other things they like as well. 

Kinda like the best of both worlds. They enjoy 10 treats (see above) + make money too. 

This has worked very well in my family and I hope it does for yours too.

Tip #3: Give away ‘healthier’ Halloween candy or candy alternatives 

The final tip to keeping your children healthy this Halloween is to hand out healthier Halloween candy or find candy alternatives.

I am truly not a ‘party pooper’ or totally adverse to giving my children a little extra sugar or candy every now and again, however, why not set a good example and hand out either ‘healthier versions of candy’ or ‘candy alternatives’.

Healthier Halloween Candy Versions

Look for NON-GMO candies made without added chemicals, colors or dyes. We found some at a local Health Food Store and plan to hand these out. 








Candy Alternatives

I love the idea of handing out gum sweetened with Xylitol (better sugar alternative). What child (or adult) doesn’t enjoy chewing gum! 








Other ideas include: trinkets like spider rings, tattoos, small cans of play-doh, glow sticks, boxes of raising, cool shaped pencils, balloons, 

I truly hope this article has been helpful in keeping your children healthy this Halloween.

I would love to hear your thoughts, ideas or comments on this important subject. You can post them below.

Also, please be sure to share this with your loved ones too.

Have a healthy and happy Halloween, from my Fit n Healthy family to yours:)

Want more ideas to keep your family well? Download my FREE Slim and Filling Recipe Book. 

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