I was given Michale’s information from a friend who had tried everything and got AMAZING results FAST with Michale’s individual protocol
So, I thought it was time to take care of myself, get serious, and get well!
Not only did I FEEL SO MUCH BETTER after just a few days, I LOVED her ‘New Foods to Enjoy’ list, meal plans, and recipes!
It’s only been 2 months and I have NEW FOUND ENERGY from the time I wake to the time I go to bed.
I have great, restorative sleep (which, according to Michale is KEY to my recovery), my skin lesion is healing quickly (Michale has me on Argon oil and Broccogen ointment), I have a positive outlook on life and can handle the day to day stressors whereas before, I had a much harder time!
I have even lost some weight (which is an added bonus).
Michale’s program just makes sense. Even my husband is on board!
Thanks, Michale! I am excited about finally getting my health back!
Gisela Hamman