
7 Ways to Get Healthy and Happier This Year

In this video, I’m going to share how you’re going to set up these NEXT 30 DAYS to WIN back your health and get happier this year.

Let me start by asking……

Are you still STRUGGLING to get healthy but keep falling off track?

Confused with what diet and exercise plan to follow?

Overwhelmed and fatigued, having a hard time getting started?

Hey, I’ve been there! I too have felt the same way. Which is exactly WHY I am here for you! I know what it feels like NOT to be healthy. HEALTH IS EVERYTHING! And life can just plain SUCK without it, right?

Good news is, after taking nearly 2 decades to figure this health stuff out and fixing my own health issues I wanted to share what worked for me. My health is back, better than ever and I’ve helped thousands along the way to get theirs back too.

Get ready to get educated, inspired, and motivated to take action RIGHT HERE! What are you waiting for? It’s a new decade! Time to get your health and happiness back!

Want a quick and simple 7-day plan to get your health back? Download it here and get started right away 7 Day Simple Health Reset

3 Ways to Stick to Your Health Goals and Stay Healthy

Want to know how to stick to your health goals and stay healthy? Then check out my top 3 ways to stick to your health goals and stay healthy. 

But before I share them with you, please take a moment and realize that this could really be YOUR TIME! 

It’s a new decade and I can’t think of a better time to get and stay healthy.

Maybe you really mean it this time with your commitment to getting Fit and Healthy. You’ve likely got some pretty exciting goals for 2020 and I am here to help you follow through!

Let’s get right to it then.

Here are my top 3 ways to stick to your health goals and stay healthy


This simply means, figure out what you’re ‘aiming’ to be? When it comes to health, is it looking good naked?

Energized and excited about your day upon awake?

Confident and in control of your life?

To know your aim, I highly recommend you bust out your journal and actually write down how you want to look, act, and feel. Take the extra step and find pictures or photos that represent this. 

The best way to start is to see exactly what you want, how it feels to have it and be that RIGHT NOW.

If you don’t really KNOW what you want, then ask yourself this question, ‘If you DID know what you wanted, what would it be?” I learned this powerful strategy for finding solutions to questions like this, when I worked with legend, Bob Proctor on the Book ‘The Science of Perfect Weight’. 

Remember Bob Proctor from the movie, The Secret? He is a world renowned thought leader who teaches people how to think to get what they want.

The key is to JUST START! I promise you’ll figure it out by just starting.


Always keep your eye on what you want. Focus on it and go after it!

Practice. Practice. Practice 

Careful not to feel discouraged and stop when you veer off. Expect a ton of distractions that can take you off track. The key is to find a way to get back on.

Let’s face it, ‘life gets in the way’. This is when you need to develop the skill of being laser-focused. 

Here are some examples of a few health goals you may have and how to navigate your way to stay healthy. 

Maybe your health goal is to start eating healthy as a couple?

Then focus on what it takes to make this happen. For example, you would start with a meal plan, write out a grocery list, go shopping, then have your weekly meals available to eat healthy as a couple.

Maybe it’s exercising more?

In this case, you’d find an exercise routine that you like and can commit to 2 times a week. Maybe even 3, but make it a REALISTIC goal and keep your word to yourself! The best strategy here is to ‘schedule it’. Treat this like an appointment. An appointment to yourself. 

Again, expect that ‘life will get in the way’, but guess what? It will always get in the way if you let it! Protect your time. Reclaim your life and you WILL be repayed with the health you are after.

Maybe it’s mastering stress?

Mastering your stress means finding ways to take a pause, think, and THEN act. Doing so trains your mind to STOP reacting and START thinking. I learned this a while back and it’s made the biggest difference in how I can now master my stress.

You see, there was a time I wanted to improve my connection with some close family members. I knew to connect with them, I needed to first connect with myself.

Once I SAW how I wanted to be.

FELT what I wanted to feel. 

….and then BECAME it.

I WAS it! This is how I reinvented who I wanted to be and how I wanted to show up in the world.

Find your WHY

Hey, I get it. Change can be tough. There is no doubt about it. You WILL be faced with day to day challenges that can easily derail your health efforts.

A common example I hear from my clients is, “Michale, my biggest struggle is by the end of the day, I am so tired that I just eat what’s easy and whatever’s there.’

Well, as you know, the more you do that, the less of a chance you have to get and stay healthy.

The key here is first tap into your WHY. WHY do you want to get and stay healthy? This is where you need to go the next time you want to ‘eat what’s easy and whatever’s there’.

Instead, either have a plan in place for quick to grab healthy foods OR take the extra 15 to 20 minutes and cook yourself a healthy meal. 

Your WHY can be something like getting excited to go on your next holiday being comfortable and confident in your bikini or swim shorts.

Maybe it’s because you’ve met a special someone that you want to look your best for.

Or, you see the impact it has on our kids or spouse and you know that nothing is going to change unless you do.

Whatever it is, really dig deep and figure it out. Because you are going to need your WHY when you are faced with all the things that will pull you off track. 

In summary

If your goal is to stay healthy, then you need to do things that will get you there. Here my 3 top ways to stick to your health goals and stay healthy.

  1. Know your aim. What do you really want?
  2. Get laser-focused. Stay on track.
  3. Find your why. What is Your reason to stay healthy?

Hey, I get it. This is TOUGH WORK! It is not easy, especially all on your own.

Which is why I’ve created the 7 Day Simple Health Reset

The 7 Day Simple Health Reset is a simple, no nonsense approach on how to eat, move, and live to get your ideal weight, feel healthy, strong and confident with all day energy.

What you will learn

  • The 7 most critical areas to pay attention to (and maybe even master) for a natural and authentically attractive look that’s appealing to you and others.
  • A whole-body health approach to get to your ideal weight with better daily energy, a reduction (or even elimination) of body pain, to look and feel like yourself and enjoy life again.
  • 3 top tips (within these 7 areas) that are simple to do without using pills, supplements, or expensive equipment.
  • How to work with your body instead of fighting against it for quick and easy results.
  • No calorie counting, weighing or measuring or wasting your time with senseless things.
  • No dieting, depriving, starving, grueling exercises. Just real food eaten at the right time, smart exercise and living a healthy life with real enjoyable results 
  • An easy to implement way to stay healthy while travelling or on vacation too.

What makes the 7 Day Simple Health Reset so popular is how simple and easy it really is!

It’s a new year. Start your 7 Day Simple Health Reset Now!

Click here to find out how 7 Day Simple Health Reset

The Time is NOW! Why wait! Your best health is right in front of you. It’s yours to take! 

Morning Detox Drink (for fat flushing)

Want an easy detox drink recipe to start your day flushing excess body fat?

Get clean to get lean with this Morning Detox Drink (for fat flushing)!

How the Morning Detox Drink works to flush your fat

Overnight, your body’s been working very hard to clear away the inflammatory toxins keeping you trim, slim, and healthy. 

For this reason, your body IS the cleanest and slimmest first thing in the morning.

You’ve likely noticed how good you feel when you’ve had a restful sleep. 

Lighter, energized, refreshed, with an overall sense of rejuvenation. 

Give your body a little help to flush the fat with this Morning Detox Drink.

Morning Detox Drink – 4 simple ingredients

4 simple ingredients that go in your daily morning detox drink (recipe below)

Filtered Water

Filtered water (choose reverse osmosis or spring water for best results). Avoid tap water as it contains unwanted chemical residues and chlorine that clog up your body.

Drinking enough water (1 liter for every 50 pounds of body weight) is one of the easiest things we can do to flush away fat. Drink AWAY from meals for best results and not too close to bedtime to ensure a good night’s sleep.

Strive to have 1 liter of filtered water first thing in the morning before breakfast. 


Unrefined sea salt

Unrefined sea salt (choose either Celtic or Himalayan Salt for the trace minerals they impart needed for proper detox). Avoid processed table salt otherwise known as sodium chloride as it is EXTREMELY TAXING to your system. 

Consuming enough salt allows your body to retain it’s moisture, hydrating your cells and skin.

Strive to consume a total of 1 tsp of unrefined sea salt per day added to your meals. Those that exercise regularly and are on a ketogenic style diet can bump it up to 2 tsp per day. You know you’ve had too much salt if you feel you’re retaining water. 

Freshly squeezed lemon

Freshly squeezed lemon (use a real lemon for the naturally occurring flavonoids). Avoid lemon juice packaged in plastic bottles to support higher quality, cleaner food products. Lemons have the added benefit of assisting your liver to do its own cleaning by strengthening your liver enzymes. 

Strive to squeeze fresh lemons (or limes) on as many dishes throughout the day as you can. The naturally occurring vitamin C and bioflavonoids help to keep your tissues healthy, immune system strong, and body recharged.


Ginger root or powder stimulates digestive juices to flow in the stomach, liver, pancreas, and gall bladder through increasing blood circulation to the digestive tract. Using digestive aids like ginger can Be a help to lose weight.

Strive to incorporate ginger regularly into your meals to keep your digestive system humming and your waistline slim and trim.

NOTE: Ginger is helpful when you want to stop a cold in a day. Go here for information on ginger and How I Stopped a Cold in One Day

Be sure to make the Morning Detox Drink (for fat flushing) as part of your morning routine.

Please share this simple KEY to flushing fat with anyone else you know of who are still struggling with extra body fat to flush. 

Still confused on what to eat to drop that extra weight? Go here to DOWNLOAD MICHALE’S SLIM AND FILLING FREE RECIPE EBOOK for slimming and filling meals that your family will ALSO love. One meal can do it all!

Avoid gaining weight over the winter with a Personalized Nutritional Plan.

You all know how hard it is to lose weight after you’ve gained an extra 10 or 20 + lbs, don’t you?

Go here for your plan now! Click here 

Why am I so tired? Think it’s your adrenals? Find out here.

Are you someone who’s fed up and frustrated wondering, ‘Why am I so tired?’.

While you may be thinking it’s ‘low adrenals’, have you looked at the health of your liver?

Most people think of their liver when it comes time to decide whether or not it’s worth it to have that second or third glass of wine. 

But did you know that your liver is a major player in having energy or not?

If you’re still not getting an answer to ‘Why am I so tired?’, check your liver.

Energy metabolism rests on the liver’s ability to do its job well. 

Your Liver where it is and what it does

Your liver sits at the top of your abdomen, just beneath your lungs and diaphragm.
Some interesting facts about your liver

  • Bigger on your right side but extends all the way to your left.
  • Largest gland in the body and the largest abdominal organ.
  • Protected by your rib cage but subject to injury from having a fractured rib.

1.4 Liters of Blood passes through the Liver every Minute!

Can you imagine drinking 1 liter of water every 45 seconds or so, non-stop, day and night? That is exactly what your liver does, consistently with your blood. 

Your liver contains 10% of your blood at any one time.

Moreover, all of your blood from your intestinal tract along with the blood from your veins enter into your liver before going back into your heart. This is important to note especially for those looking to improve their cardiovascular system.

A healthy liver helps with a healthy heart.

Your liver, the ultimate multi-tasker.

It stores, filters, converts and protects you.


Your liver is a storage tank for your vitamins, minerals, immune cells, amino acids, hormones, and energy. 


Your liver breaks down and removes worn-out red blood cells, white blood cells, bacteria, alcohol, hormones, all medications, and chemicals. 


Your liver converts hormones into usable ones. One good example is your thyroid makes T4 (the inactive thyroid hormone), however, its the job of the liver to convert T4 into T3 (the active form of thyroid hormone). 


Your liver protects you from energy-draining, disease-causing invaders by guarding everything that enters into it. It does this with built-in special immune cells called Kuepfer cells. 

Your Liver performs 500 to 600 Functions every Second!

Below are a few more things the liver facilitates:

  • the enzymes systems of detoxification
  • the enzyme systems of hormonal degradation
  • bile production
  • amino acid synthesis
  • blood sugar regulation
  • neurotransmitter precursor production
  • the proper storage of vitamins A, D, E, K, and B12
  • the proper storage of minerals iron (Fe) and Copper (Cu)
  • the breakdown of old, damaged red blood cells
  • the production of energy in the form of ATP
  • the production of blood components such as prothrombin, fibrinogen, and albumin
  • blood pressure regulation via angiotensinogen
  • the breakdown of ammonia to urea 

Your Liver Holds the Key to Vibrant Energy 

As you can see by now, if you are tired all the time, your liver is an important organ to pay attention to when it comes to improving your energy and all-around health.

The ancients knew this long ago. They respected it and believed it to be the center of our soul. In fact, they even went as far as touting it as the most important organ in the human body.

Your liver’s role in the regulation of energy

Your body runs on glucose, fatty acids, and ketones to provide it with consistent fuel.

When you don’t eat, it burns a little bit of these fuel sources, gradually, But when you do eat, a lot of fuel enters the body, all at once.

However, did you know that if it wasn’t for the liver to store excess fuel properly and release it when needed, none of the other organ systems would work well either?

Specific nutrients needed for healthy energy levels

Your liver stores important nutrients that are needed for your energy systems to run properly. Namely A, D, K, E, B12, Iron, and Copper. 

  • Proper vitamin B status is necessary for the conversion of food into energy. 
  • There is a link between Low Vitamin D levels chronic fatigue syndrome. 
  • Inadequate Vitamin A levels lower ATP production (ATP is your bodies energy currency). 

When things go wrong with your liver

When asking yourself, ‘why am I so tired?’, the notion of consuming the wrong type of diet will have obvious negative consequences. Things like too much alcohol, fried foods, and fructose, or just overeating in general, leads to a clogged liver. However what’s not talked about, when wondering, ‘why am I so tired’, is the over-accumulation of toxins that can also clog the liver. In the end, blood cannot get through easily, and it fails at balancing hormones, providing essential nutrients, and keeping the body clear of excess toxins.

A clogged liver leads to a shortage of stored energy.

When your liver doesn’t have enough fuel for short term energy storage, you feel tired. Your unmotivated, sluggish and find you need to force yourself to do the day to day activities you use to love when you had more energy.

Basically, it becomes sluggish and fatty and You feel the same way.

How healthy is your liver?

Here are two ways to test how healthy your liver is

TEST #1 – Liver and Gall bladder Questionnaire – Self Testclick the link below


TEST #2 – Comprehensive Liver Blood Test – Blood draw

Ask your doctor for a comprehensive liver blood test. I suggest anyone over 40 should seriously get this done every year. A liver panel will give you a complete and current picture of the state of your liver. You can use this data to help detect any disease and measure potential liver damage.

The specific blood lab values for the liver are Total Bilirubin, Total Protein, Total Globin, Albumin/Globulin ratio, as well as the levels of liver enzymes gamma-glutamyl transpeptidase (GGT), alkaline phosphatase (ALP), alanine aminotransferase (ALT), and aminotransferase (AST).

Once you have the results, you can make the following lifestyle changes to help remedy and even reverse the problem.

Anyone who needs help in understanding their blood work can contact me at askmichale@gmail.com.


Its time to start talking about simple solutions to getting back that vibrant energy again.

We’ve already established that for better energy, you need a better working liver.

Time to get straight to the point ……

There is one main contributing factor that causes a sluggish, fatty liver and being tired all the time – TOXINS


A toxin is basically any substance that creates irritating or harmful effects in our body undermining our health and well being. 

Some of these toxins come from what we eat or take in like medications and poor quality supplements (not all supplements are created equal). Some we get exposed to from poor air quality in our homes, mold from our bathrooms, skin and beauty care products, and the like. 

Of course, when our body is working well, we can handle our day to day exposures to toxins very efficiently. 

Your liver is a master at detoxification. However, when it doesn’t your body just doesn’t feel well.


Most of your body’s toxic waste goes through three phases in your liver-GI and liver-kidney detox systems.

PHASE I – Enzymatic Transformation

This is your first line of defense against toxins and uses a group of enzymes known as the cytochrome P450 (CYPs). These enzymes protect your cells from damage by converting fat-soluble toxins into water-soluble toxins to enter into Phase 2

Ways to support Phase 1 detoxification include: 

  • Indoles from cruciferous veggies: Brussel sprouts, broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower, collard greens, kale, and turnips.
  • Diets with enough protein to meet body requirements: Meat, fish and seafood, eggs, and vegetable protein.
  • Herbs: milk thistle, sassafras, caraway, and dill seeds.
  • Citrus: tangerines and oranges (avoid GRAPEFRUIT, which shuts down Phase 1)!
  • Vitamins: vitamin B1, B2, B3, B6, B12, folic acid, and vitamin C.
  • Lipotrophics: compounds that break down fat in metabolism (cysteine, methionine, choline, and inositol)
  • Minerals: magnesium and iron
  • Antioxidants: Glutathione and catechins found in green tea

What to avoid – alcohol, charbroiled meats, unnecessary medications. Because unless there are sufficient antioxidants and protective nutrients, this may result in secondary tissue damage (oxidative stress).

PHASE 2 – Conjugation

Phase 2 is all about conjugation, which uses 6 different pathways to take water-soluble Phase 1 metabolites OUT of your body through your bile, urine, and stool.

The 6 different pathways include glutathione conjugation, amino acid conjugation, methylation, sulfation, acetylation, and glucuronidation.

Ways to support Phase 2 detoxification include

  • Magnesium
  • Supplements that raise glutathione levels: liberal amounts of colorful vegetables and berries, vitamin C, n-acetylcysteine (NAC), and milk thistle. 
  • Brassica and Sulfur-rich vegetables, Brussel sprouts, broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower, collard greens, kale, and turnips. and allium vegetables: garlic and onions
  • Amino acids: glycine, cysteine (or n-acetylcysteine), taurine, and methionine (meat)
  • Molybdenum, a trace mineral (leafy vegetables, liver)
  • Methyl groups: B vitamins and folic acid.

Other nutrients and foods that help Phase 2 are ellagic acid in red grape skin, garlic, rosemary, soy, and cabbage.

What to avoid – Low protein diets, (inadequate supplementation which means too many supplements or too little supplements), as well as lack of the foods listed above in sufficient quantities to help move Phase 2 toxins through to Phase 3. 

The last thing you want is to back up Phase 1 toxins. They need to COME OUT! There is growing scientific evidence suggesting that certain diseases are the direct result of damage to the body from poor Phase 2 detoxification.

Some of the diseases that may be caused by toxic intermediate metabolites and free radicals include Cancer, Parkinson’s disease, fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue, lupus, and immune dysfunction.

PHASE 3 – Transportation

This is about transportation. Since water-soluble compounds require special transporters to move them in and out of the cells, Phase 3 transporters are necessary to excrete these toxins out of the cell. These transported toxins are shuttled mainly to your kidneys for further filtration and then out of your body via your bladder and urine OR out with your bile into your small intestine, and down through your GI tract for elimination via stool.

Ways to support Phase 3 detoxification include

  • Drink enough water to help your kidneys filter properly.
  • Make sure you have 1-3 bowel movements per day. This means without constipation, sluggishness, loose stools, or diarrhea. You want your stool score of #3 or 4 on this Bristol Stool Chart. You can find it in my last blog post 

    What To Do If You Are Constipated – 4 Steps To Fix Constipation

5 Ways to Stop Being Tired and Start Having Energy + 3 BONUS Tips

1. Start your day with 1/2 a freshly squeezed lemon and 1 liter of filtered water.

Place freshly squeezed lemon into 1 liter of warm water and drink first thing in the morning. Do this before you have your first meal. Drink the rest of your water requirements always away from meals. A good rule of thumb is 1 liter of water for every 50 lbs of body weight. Drinking enough water is game-changing for most when they adopt this new habit. 

2. Add beets and beet tops to your diet

Beets are known for their ‘blood cleansing’ properties and use in sluggish liver conditions such as Fatty Liver.  Beets are also helpful to lower triglycerides, lower blood pressure, improve athletic performance, and reduce muscle soreness. Use raw or cooked. 

3. Consume cruciferous vegetables.

Cruciferous vegetables such as Brussels sprouts, broccoli, cauliflower, kale, collards, and cabbage all contain sulfur compounds called glucosinolates that bind and eliminate toxins. Helpful to remove harmful estrogens especially for women over 40 or men developing Gynecomastia (enlargement of breasts).

4. Take a good digestive aid with hydrochloric acid and ox bile.

The liver makes bile and stores it in the gall bladder. Stomach acid is a major stimulator for the secretion of bile into the small intestine. Bile is critical for the break down of dietary fats, the absorption of fat-soluble vitamins (vitamin A, D, E, and K) and to sterilize the gut from unwanted invaders. The smoother your digestive process is, the healthier and lighter you will feel. I personally use and recommend to all my clients Pan-Ox-5

If you do not have a gallbladder or have very sluggish bile motility than you will need supplemental bile. 

5. Use medications only when necessary,

Every and all medications must be filtered through the liver. If you are currently on medication, check the side effects. You will usually find nausea, weight gain, and fatigue as common side effects.

Even over the counter medications like Tylenol can have severe consequences on the liver.

“Acetaminophen, sold under the brand name Tylenol, among others, may be among the most dangerous medicines on the market” warns Dr. Mercola.

Dr. Mercola is one of the leading Doctors in Natural Medicine. He shares with us that acetaminophen can be toxic to your liver even at recommended doses when taken daily for just a couple of weeks

3 BONUS TIPS to Stop Being Tired and Start Having Energy

BONUS TIP #1 – Avoid (or at least limit) alcohol.

Alcohol must go through the liver’s detoxification cycle to be metabolized and deactivated in the body.  Chronic alcohol consumption depletes the liver of valuable glutathione, sulfur compounds and methylating elements such as zinc, riboflavin, B6, folate, and B12. Nutrients needed for energy metabolism, proper digestion, immune function, and stress management. I personally have been ‘alcohol-free’ for over 3 months now and am all the better for it.

BONUS TIP #2 – Replace ‘liver-damaging foods’ with liver supporting ones.

Start with avoiding rancid, hydrogenated ‘bad’ fats and highly inflammatory vegetable oils like canola, sunflower, safflower, soy, and corn.  high-fructose corn syrup, hydrogenated oils, additives, hormones, preservatives, or artificial colors, and eat free-range or organic whenever possible. Your liver has to work harder to filter all this gunk.

BONUS TIP #3 – Do a proper detox (highly recommended)

Anybody who wants to be healthy needs to do a proper detox. Period.

Especially if you are struggling with relentless fatigue and tired all the time!

We are at unprecedented levels of toxins in our environment. In this day and age, we all need to pay attention to the amount of toxins we are exposed to and begin limiting them.

Everyone has their own ‘toxic’ threshold as well as their unique ability to clear them out. However, if you are constantly asking yourself ‘why am I so tired?’, then I highly suggest putting a properly done detox, top on your priority list. 

If you take anything from this blog post do this……

When considering a detox plan, please make sure your detox program covers all 3 phases of detox.

Otherwise, as I alluded to earlier, if you do not take all the precautions to support Phase 2, you are recirculating these toxins back into your body, causing even more damage.

Rejuvenating Detox with Biotherapeutic Drainage and UNDA Number Compounds

I personally discovered the invaluable health benefits of the  Biotherapeutic Drainage method of detox, about 10 years ago. 

What I loved most about this form of detox was how easy they were to use and how great I felt on them. Once I found benefit, I began using them on my personal clients. Many of them report how much better they felt on them too.

Now, I regularly use these in my personal nutritional practice, alongside the proper Diet and Lifestyle practices. 

Also to take note: Using the UNDA numbers to clear toxins out of the body covers all 3 phases of detoxification – Liver, kidney, and Digestive Tract.

What is Biotherapeutic Drainage?

Biotherapeutic Drainage is a type of detox, both gentle yet profound, that aids in the elimination of toxins and waste products, restoring balance to the body. The main remedies used in this system are the Unda numbered compounds. There are no side effects. It’s used for both the young and the old and they work to simply allow for the body to do its own healing. 

What are UNDA numbered compounds?

The UNDA numbered compounds are unique complex homeopathic remedies that allow the body to begin to deal with this accumulated toxicity.  The UNDA numbers were formulated in Europe in the early 1900s.  The formulations are based on Chinese Medicine theory as well as homeopathic and Anthroposophic principles. 

To learn more about Biotherapeutic Drainage for Detox, click the link below.

Boost energy, banish cravings, balance hormones with DETOX

In it, you’ll find how it works to regenerate whole body systems to finally wake up with energy and end fatigue.

Now is your chance to Stop being Tired and Start having Energy! 

Need more help?

Get Simple Solutions to, ‘Why am I so tired?’ and love your life again WITH energy and vitality!

Send an email to askmichale@gmail.com for a complimentary 30-minute strategy session by using the subject line ‘More energy please’. 

What do you think? I would like to hear your thoughts or experience with this.

  • Get help with better energy, health, and vitality! For options that fit your schedule. Contact Michale 
  • Get your personalized plan for optimizing the liver, kidney and digestive tract.

Michale Hartte, BASc (Nutr), NNCP, CH is your leading Nutritionist and Detox Specialist, focusing on gut-related health issues such as weight loss resistance, constipation, diarrhea, gas, bloating, leaky gut, ulcers, IBS and Fatty Liver Disease.

For more information on how to become a client, please contact Michale at 250-718-1653 (text or phone), Email Michale or visit www.askmichale.com. Serving all English speaking countries via phone, Skype, FaceTime or WhatsApp.





Boost energy, banish cravings, balance hormones with DETOX

Suffering from fatigue? Crave sugar and bread? Got hormonal issues? Think detox

Look to toxins as the primary culprit. IT’s TIME TO DETOX

Detox done right, rids the body of excess toxins. Toxins that lead to inflammation.

Inflammation that drives illness.

Bottom line: Quell inflammation – heal illness.

Our health today

Lets face it – take a look around you and ask yourself, ‘Are we healthier today than a decade ago’?

Take a step back – stop and think for a moment…..

Is there an abundance of Fit n Healthy people or do these individuals stand out from the crowd?

How many people do you know suffering from Cancer, Diabetes, Heart Disease? 

How many children are being born on the Autistic Spectrum now-a-days?

When you really take a good look at it, the sad truth is, the incidence of disease is climbing at an alarming rate.

Toxins – a known driver of disease

One of the primary reasons for illnesses today is the accumulation of toxins. 

There is evidence that most disease is caused by the 80,000 to 120,000 chemicals that we are exposed to on a daily basis.

CNN.com reported ‘Tests reveal high chemical levels in kids’ bodies


  • So called ‘body burden‘ testing reveals industrial chemicals in humans.
  • Many of these chemicals harm rats, but studies on humans are preliminary
  • One scientist warns modern-day humans are living an ‘unnatural experiment’.

Most haven’t heard of body burden testing but it’s a hot topic among environmentalists and natural health experts who warn that the environmental toxins we come in contact with every day are accumulating in our bodies and causing all sorts of health issues.

We live in an increasingly polluted world and whether we like it or not, we are all toxic. We should be doing detox regimes to keep the body burden as low as possible.

Dr Sarah Myhill – Author of Diagnosis and Treatment of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Myalgic Encephalitis

Toxic accumulation – the problem

Toxic accumulation occurs both from exogenous (outside our body) and endogenous (inside our body). How this affects you is all dependent on how much you’ve accumulated (body burden)

Are you Susceptible to Toxicity?

Factors that have a direct affect on your ability to remove toxins are:

  • Your genetic makeup (some are born ‘good detoxifiers’)
  • Your diet & nutritional status (do you eat ‘real food’ or from a box/fast food)
  • Your lifestyle & individual exposures (have you been exposed to pesticides, paints, etc)
  • Your history of antibiotics & medications (have you been on many medications)
  • Your emotional well being (do you have healthy relationships or ‘toxic ones’)
  • The quality of sleep & digestion (are you a solid deep sleeper and digest foods well)

How to detox your body – Start with cleaning up your organs of elimination

You are born with the ability to detox the toxins. The problem lies with how much of these toxins you are holding onto. 

Toxins trapped withing the body, shut down your body’s enzymes. 

Your body functions on enzymes and if not working well, your body doesn’t either.

Anyone with any health condition – no matter how small needs to clean their body. In fact, anyone now-a-days needs to detoxify to have any good level of health.

Start with cleaning out your primary organs of elimination

  • The liver and intestines – remove solid waste
  • The kidneys and urinary bladder – eliminate liquid acidic waste
  • The lungs – exhale gaseous waste

The Liver – Your metabolic gatekeeper

Your liver is your largest glandular organ for detox. It rests on the right side of your body, below your rib cage. 

Some of your liver functions include:

  • metabolizes all your foods
  • balances cholesterol and blood sugar
  • creates bile to aid in digesting fats and keeps your gut free from excess pathogens
  • breaks down your hormones for proper use 
  • helps filter all drugs and chemicals entering the digestive tract.

Your liver is the key to overall digestive, metabolic, immune and hormone health. 

Your liver is the key to regaining your energy, losing weight, balancing hormones and removing ‘glue’ toxins (felt as mucous).

Your kidneys – The eliminator

Your kidneys are bean shaped organs, about the size of your fist and sit near the middle of your back and under your rib cage. 

Some of your kidneys functions include:

  • process about 200 litres of blood and eliminate waste and extra water as urine.
  • regulate electrolytes and keep a proper pH balance
  • filter waste and drugs
  • regulate blood pressure and produce hormones



Your kidneys are the key to keeping a healthy body pH, blood pressure, and removing acid toxins (felt as body pain)

Gastrointestinal tract – The immune system regulator

Regular bowel movements (1-3 per day) is a visible sign of proper elimination. If you have problems with digestion, you are not absorbing your foods properly or detoxifying well.

Some of your gastrointestinal tract functions include:

  • being home to 100 trillion hard working friendly bacteria
  • aid in digestion and absorption of nutrients from foods
  • prevent infections and balance autoimmunity

Your gastrointestinal tract is key to keeping your immune system running well and you at a healthy weight.

Simple tips to cleanse your liver 

  • Add 1/2 a fresh lemon or lime to your drinking water and drink first thing in the morning
  • Eat liver friendly foods: Garlic, onions, broccoli, brussels sprouts, cabbage, artichoke, beets, dandelion, eggs, turmeric, and cinnamon
  • Eat liver to have a good functioning liver. This is a Signature of Nature Principle.
  • Take UNDAS to clear the liver of toxins. Specific UNDA number compounds are specific homeopathic drops that assist your body in its own cleansing. They combine dilute forms of plants and minerals which work together to unblock the body to release the toxins from inside the cell. UNDAS are used in combinations of 3 to 5 to target the organs your practitioner determines are in need of support. See a qualified health practitioner trained in  UNDAS using the method Biotherapeutic Drainage.

Simple tips to cleanse your kidneys

  • Drink 1 litre of filtered water for every 50 lbs of body weight. Start with 1 litre first thing in the morning and drink the remainder away from meals.
  • Consume properly prepared kidney beans. This is a Signature of Nature Principle.
  • Eat enough protein for proper nitrogen balance. An easy equation is 0.8 – 1 gram of protein X your lean body mass (for exercisers). 0.5 – 0.8 grams of protein X your lean body mass (for non exercisers). Try incorporating kidney (organ meat) for good functioning kidneys. This is another Signature of Nature Principle.
  • Take UNDAS to clear the kidneys of toxins. Specific UNDA number compounds are specific homeopathic drops that assist your body in its own cleansing. They combine dilute forms of plants and minerals which work together to unblock the body to release the toxins from inside the cell. UNDAS are used in combinations of 3 to 5 to target the organs your practitioner determines are in need of support. See a qualified health practitioner trained in  UNDAS using the method Biotherapeutic Drainage.

Simple tips to cleanse your gastrointestinal tract

  • Exercise! Moving the body moves the waste products OUT and allows for good bowel movements.
  • Add freshly ground flax, hemp, chia, pumpkin, sunflower or sesame seeds to your foods daily for fiber.
  • Add 1-2 tsp or organic apple cider vinegar to half a glass of water before a meal to stimulate digestion.
  • Take UNDAS to clear the gastrointestinal tract of toxins. Specific UNDA number compounds are specific homeopathic drops that assist your body in its own cleansing. They combine dilute forms of plants and minerals which work together to unblock the body to release the toxins from inside the cell. UNDAS are used in combinations of 3 to 5 to target the organs your practitioner determines are in need of support. See a qualified health practitioner trained in  UNDAS using the method Biotherapeutic Drainage.

I personally have been using Biotherapeutic Drainage in my Natural Health Practice for about 10 years and have found it to be one of the missing pieces to boosting energy, banishing sugar cravings, and fixing hormones. 

For anyone wanting more information on how to go on a properly formulated detox program, please contact me direct by clicking here


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