
Detox for Optimal Health in the 21st Century

Informational Talk with Michale Hartte

Health in the 21st Century Requires a New Model

for Detoxification.

CC BY by M Pinarci


The game has changed from

extracellular matrix to the

intracellular life processes.


If you don’t go into the cell, you can’t get well‘ 

Dr. Pompa (advocate for intracellular healing)



Natural Detoxfication – The Body’s Way of Self-Cleaning

Health is the Ability to Adapt

Today, this fundamental process of detoxification is being challenged like never before…..

We are no longer a ‘Balanced System’ that is ‘Auto-regulating & Self-healing’

Unfortunately, for some of us, we’re just unable to adapt due to an Overwhelming Amount of Toxicity.

Stop for just a moment – and take a look at all those inflicted with allergies, asthma, fatigue, body pain, and trips to the Doctors office.

Many of these pesky signs and symptoms, are not in your head. They are real concerns, with it’s roots in your ability to detoxify.

These signs and symptoms are not to be taken lightly!

Signs and symptoms are the body’s way of telling you something that you need to pay attention to.

The language of the body IS symptoms.

They are the warning lights on your dashboard. If you remove the Warning Lights, there is still something Wrong with the Engine.

Where Do Signs, Symptoms, and Disease come from?

There is evidence that most disease is caused by our exposure to the 80,000 to 120,000 chemicals that we are exposed to on a daily basis”

Gosh, it’s disheartening the amount of Autism these days – 1 in 8! It is estimated that with the rate we’re going – they are looking at 1 in 4 (in just 2 generations).

Experts are linking the amount of modern day toxins as one of the factors contributing to this. 


Toxins are stored in fat. Which is one reason why fat cells enlarge – to protect itself from the inflammation associated with stored toxins. 

Those on a diet looking to lose body fat – this is important news! I am all about the KETO DIET to lose body fat – however, out of the body fat – comes a furry of toxins! Something anyone needs to pay attention to when following a weight loss diet like Keto or the sorts.

CC BY by Stephen G Pearson

Breast tissue toxicity. Since the breast are largely composed of adipose tissue (fat), natural health experts are surmising that if the breasts become storage tanks for toxins, this may be the reason WHY it can be a growing concern for women. Men as well, with the accumulation of estrogenic sensitive adipose pectoral tissue.


It’s time to DETOX

Detox Safely and Easily for a

Cleaner, Leaner, Healthier Body



Intracellular Self Cleaning Detox– The New Detox Paradigm

Are your Fat Burning, Self Cleaning organs clean enough?

Join me, Michale Hartte as I walk you through, step by step

how to clean your body from the inside out

Detox Done Right! Have FUN, Get Clean to Get Lean and Healthy!


Monday Sept 17 – 6-7:30pm
sign up at www.invatiyoga.com

$5 to hold your spot, all monies raised goes to H.O.P.E. Outreach

Learn top strategies to quickly lose belly fat, boost energy, avoid cold/flus.

What you will learn:
•Are You a ‘good detoxifier’ or poor one and how to fix it.
•What to start, what to stop.
•5 Golden Rules to Guarantee Your flat belly.

Everyone Needs to Detoxify to Experience the Best of Health.

NOTE: If anyone has a business and they would like to post my Information Talk at – please download the Poster here Detox Safely Poster – Sept 17th Health Talk

I’d love to meet you. Bring a friend or family member.

See you there!

Michale Hartte

Diet and Detox Specialist


10 most important lab tests to ask your Doctor (and have him include)

One of the easiest ways to get your health back is get your blood work done (lab tests).

Getting a thorough set of labs allows you to ‘check under the hood’ so to speak.

Proper lab tests can help check for things that may not be so obvious and maybe even more importantly

– why you just don’t feel right.

Maybe you are even wondering if all that hard work in the gym or with your diet is actually working?

Find out by getting your blood work done.

Test, don’t guess – Get your lab tests done

Getting your blood work done is easy to do (just a quick visit with your Doctor)

Why get lab tests done?

  • tells current status of your vital organs are working (liver, kidneys, etc)
  • checks for nutrient deficiencies (iron, zinc, B12, etc)
  • informs if you’re at risk of coronary heart disease or other.

Blood tests also can screen for a wide range of conditions like NAFLD (non alcoholic fatty liver disease), which is quickly on the rise.

Knowing where you’re at is power. The truth of the matter is, many of these health conditions are preventable with the right diet, detox, and daily routine. 

Below are the 10 most important lab tests I use in my clinic and to ask your Doctor to do

  1. Liver function test. ALT, AST, GGT

If you have gut (digestive) issues, look upstream to the liver. So much attention is on the gut when it’s the liver that cleans the blood of it’s impurities that then damage the gut wall. If the liver is under functioning (aka fatty), it opens the flood gates to inflammation – the Key Driver to all chronic diseases. 

      2. Serrum Ferritin

Serrum Ferritin measures your iron stores. Everyone knows low iron is linked to fatigue and brain fog, however, did you know it impacts your ability to lose weight? This is especially important for those partaking in the Ketogenic Diet for weight loss.

      3. Lipid Panel: Total Cholesterol, LDL, HDL, Triglycerides

An HDL on the’ higher side’ is a sign of good liver function. HDL particles actually bind to inflammatory endotoxins and protect us from oxidation (aging too quickly). Knowing your total cholesterol is important too. Cholesterol comes to the rescue to clean up inflammation helping with overwhelmed gut damage. Cholesterol is the building blocks of hormones. To have a well functioning brain, you need enough cholesterol. 

       4. Highly Sensitive CRP (HSCRP). Not to be confused with regular CRP

This marker, along with homocysteine are the two that show you how inflamed you are. We want it >0.5 HS-CRP is a chemical called upon with an acute phase reaction. The liver releases it anytime we face an immediate stress. The same is true for ferritin, also stored in the liver.

        5. Homocysteine

Homocysteine is a marker for cardiovascular health and osteoporosis (the condition I personally reversed). It’s a metabolite of the amino acid, methionine – the building blocks of cells. I regularly test for homocysteine and HS CRP (along with Vitamin D) to make sure my bones are building and not breaking down. Testosterone is also a good test to check for bone density – just as a side note.

         6. Complete CBC with differential and platelet count

This looks at oxygen carrying capacity (energy) and types of anemia. The white count can pinpoint systemic infection, and even parasites.with a skilled Natural Health Practitioner. I personally have been trained by Dr. Dickson Thom for ranges to look for and it’s been very helpful when working with clients.

          7. Complete thyroid panel with antibody screening (TPO Ab and Tg Ab)

This is most important for those suffering from Hashimoto’s disease or who suspects an under active thyroid. 

The complete thyroid panel includes: TSH, Free T4, Free T3, Reverse T3 (this you’ll need to pay extra for but worth it). Realize that your Doctor may only do TSH unless you ask for this complete panel. TSH really doesn’t give much information to help you with your health. Just so you know. 

          8. Complete Kidney tests: Urea Nitrogen (BUN), Creatinine, Estimated GFR 

The Estimated GFR is what I use to determine how much protein one can assimilate to keep their lean muscle (or build more). I have many clients find out they have a certain level of kidney disease with this marker. With the right calculations, I can advise the right protein amounts to rebuild the body and get it healthy again.

          9. Hemoglobin A1C

This will test to see how you’re handling your sugars. All carbohydrates break down into sugar. If your body has a difficult time regulating this, you see conditions such as hypoglycemia, Diabetes Type 1 and Type 2 along with weight loss resistance. Leptin Resistance also can be detected with this marker along with vitamin D and HS CRP. 

Identifying these makers can be a game changer when it comes to finally shredding extra body fat.

        10. Vitamin D

Vitamin D supports the immune system and is an important marker for Osteoporosis. Vitamin D is what extinguishes inflammation. Vitamin D levels above 50 ng/ml are associated with being lean as it directly relates to healthy leptin levels. The optimal range is 70-120.


The real magic in these lab tests are how to interpret them.

Understanding the interplay between all the markers, can help with a Personalized Nutritional Plan. Doing so not only can prevent disease but may even stop the progression in its tracks to truly heal – on a cellular level. 

The point of this blog post was to inform you of the importance to getting a full blood panel. One that’s thorough enough to give clear direction on what diet and exercise is best. 

Testing again every 3 to 6 months is also relevant. You’re looking for ‘trends’ here. Are you trending in a good direction or not so good? Testing is how you will really know. 

One other point to make is to look for ‘optimal values’ not the normal values shown on your sheet. This is where skilled Natural Health Practitioner can help.

I am available for one on one consults for anyone looking to dive deeper.

If you’ve already got your blood work done, I am happy to make sense of it all and Personalize your diet and exercise even further. 

Get one on one help 

Any questions? Just Ask Michale


Calmer and happier boy in just one day with gut detox

Got cranky, angry, over emotional children? It may not be their fault. Its the bugs. Time for a gut detox.

Bugs? What bugs? Detox for children?

Yes, bugs and gut detox.

This is exactly what I said to one of my latest clients. This Mom was concerned about her 6 yr old son who was exhibiting anger, emotional agitation, and bowel issues (constipation). 

After my initial assessment, I designed a customized diet, detoxification plan and 3 lifestyle tips to work on – you guessed it – the bugs. The result was a calmer, happier boy. Happy parents too.

Here’s what you need to know about mood.

Welcome to your microbiome – the bugs within your gut

I explained to her that we’re made up of 90% more non human cells than human ones.

These non human cells (bugs) collectively called, the microbiome, are a miniature world that live in your body.

Many of which flourish in your gut.

The gut – brain and mood connection

The type of bugs that live in your gut largely determine our mood.

This gut/brain connection is now grabbing more attention thanks to science based books such as Dr Natasha Campbell-McBride’s book, ‘Gut and Psychology Syndrome‘, Justin and Sonnenburg’s book, ‘The Good Gut‘ and Dr. Raphael Kellermen’s book ‘The Microbiome Diet’  

I’ve personally read them all and found one of the biggest take away’s was the importance of taking good care of our ‘good bugs’.

Eat and live in a way that nourishes the good bugs.

Detox the gut to take out the ‘bad bugs’.

As weird as that may sound, these bugs not only dictate your mood, they also:

  • dictate your food cravings and appetite 
  • influence your immune system
  • affect your energy and mental function
  • largely determine your body weight

The secret to happy and healthy

Cutting edge science has shown that a balanced microbiome is the secret to healthy, happy people, according to Dr. Raphael Kellmen.  Research reveals that when your microbiome goes out of balance – you are out of balance.

What happens when things go wrong

Dr Natasha Campbell-McBride has found that those exhibiting mood disorders like excessive anger, depression, emotional dysregulation of sorts, have excessive amounts of toxins sitting in their gut. This leads to an accumulation of neurotoxins (brain toxins) produced by the bugs that are then absorbed through the gut wall and taken directly into the brain.

Toxins → absorbed through the gut wall → into the brain → mood disorders and other symptoms

Put another way, an overgrowth of ‘bad bugs’ is one causative factor driving the ‘bad behavior’.

Sounds like a stretch? I don’t think so. 

Sure, there are obviously other factors however, we can’t discount the health of the microbiome.

Got a good gut or bad? Take the quiz 

To know how good (or bad) your guts are, take the following quizes

Inadequate digestion quiz

Candida quiz

Parasite quiz

Calmer, happier boy in just one day with a gut detox

The Mom came to me shortly after our first visit beaming with joy.

‘My son is calmer, happier and has normal ‘poops now!’

‘Even my husband is sold and I’ve been working on getting him on board for a very long time’.

‘We couldn’t be happier’

Here’s what I did 

Customized Diet – Remove and replace

The Customized Diet removed all the gut irritants and replaced with easy to digest foods. The new diet consisted of quality meats, fish and seafood, an assortment of vegetables, nuts and seeds (properly soaked or sprouted), non gluten grains (limited and properly soaked or sprouted only) and fruit (limited and whole fruit, no fruit juice). 

Customized Detox – Liver, kidney, gut detox

The Customized Detox protocol I use was designed by Dr Mikhael Adams. It works to safely remove toxins from the main organs of toxic elimination: liver, kidney and gut. He has a protocol for children and one for adults too. Is SO EASY! Consists of simply placing UNDA drops in water. Take twice a day. Boom Done. Easy compliance. Results speak for themselves.

The detoxification method is called Biotherapeutic Drainage.. Safe, easy. No side effects. Used for all ages because it only assist the body in doing it’s own detoxification. A process we all naturally do. When you have undesirable signs and symptoms it’s because the organs need help with detox. This is the magic in the UNDA drops. 

Supportive Supplements – Soak up and restore

Sponge it up. Anyone going on a detox or ‘cleanse’ really needs to use a sponge to soak up the toxicity. SUPER IMPORTANT! If not, the toxins are recirculated back into the body and you feel sick. For children, I use Liquid Chlorophyll drops. Adults I use Chlorogen caps 

Reinoculate with good bacteria. Fermented foods such as sauerkraut, kimchee, or other fermented vegetables like beets are natural probiotics. They contain their own living cultures of bacteria, which give your body the good bugs they need. Alternatively, you can supplement with a well researched, clinically proven probiotic. I don’t take chances and only supplement with probiotics that are proven to work. Which is why I like the Genestra Brand. For this boy, I used HMF Intensive powder

Lifestyle – 3 tops tips

The other tips I gave were only 3 to focus on

  1. Drink enough water (starting with 1 cup first thing in the morning)
  2. Take the time to chew your food
  3. When feeling the urge to go to the bathroom – GO

BONUS ONE: Get to sleep early (no electronics in room) and keep a regular routine.

That was it and it worked.

Hope this was helpful and please pass this on to anyone else you know struggling with their mood. 

Need a Customized Nutritional Plan for yourself or your loved ones? Go here for one on one help










We all have them. In

High blood pressure normalized in just 2 weeks – 5 Tips

I just had a client come in reporting that his high blood pressure normalized in just 2 weeks on the Nutrition and Detox Plan I personalized for him.

He was actually quite shocked that it worked so quickly.

‘My numbers have been 120 over 80 and have stayed this way now for the 30 days that I’ve been on your plan’. 

Needless to say, he is very, very happy.

He says, ‘I don’t even feel deprived or hungry. It’s so easy to stick with’.

If you suffer from high blood pressure yourself, or know of someone who is, this may help.

Fixing high blood pressure is important.

Here’s why……..having high blood pressure increases the risk of having a fatal stroke, heart attack, cerebral hemorrhaging, and renal failure. 

Not something you want to play around with.

High blood pressure (hypertension) primary causes:

Dr Russell Marz in his book, Medical Nutrition, lists the primary causes of high blood pressure:

  1. Low Fiber. 
  2. High sugar diet
  3. Food sensitives
  4. Hypothyroidism or hyperthyroidism
  5. Low EFA status
  6. Obesity
  7. Low calcium and/or magnesium status
  8. Cadmium and/or lead toxicity
  9. Smoking
  10. Vitamin E toxicity

Signs and symptoms of high blood pressure (hypertension)

According to Dr Marz, in general there are no symptoms unless the person’s blood pressure goes very high.

Although, he’s found some of his patients signs and symptoms included dizziness, headaches, and fatigue.

All of these signs and symptoms were exactly what my client was experiencing. In fact, he had a headache most days! 

These are some of the exact words he used to describe how he felt before starting his Nutritional and Detox Plan

‘I use to wake up in the middle of the night and just felt that my body was, PISSED!”

‘I couldn’t feel full and had to snack all the time’

‘I use to sweat all the time because I was so hot’

‘My hands where puffy when I’d lift up a bar’

Here’s what he thought he was suppose to do to fix his high blood pressure

  1. Have breakfast first thing in the morning. Even if he wasn’t hungry yet
  2. Spend an hour on the treadmill to improve his ‘cardio’
  3. Drink milk 
  4. Eat 5 times a day

Here’s what I recommended that helped fix his high blood pressure

  1. Eat 3 times a day, no snacking. Begin to eat only when hungry. Stop when just about full. EAT STOP EAT (this is an actual book title). Incredible tip for dropping his extra weight too.
  2. Follow my 4 Steps to Creating Your Healthy Meals. This way of eating included higher fat, moderate protein, low carb, and rich in what I call ‘super foods'( bone broth, sea vegetables, herbs/spices, fermented foods, prebiotic foods, sprouts, and foods high in polyphenols). Big weight loss tip too.
  3. Drink enough water for your body weight. Start with 1 litre of water and drink the rest between meals. He reported THIS was game changing for him. And yet another weight loss tip.
  4. Weights first, THEN cardio after. Start with a warm up (about 5 min rebounding, a walk outside, or on the treadmill), engage in some light stretches, then 20 min max of weight training. NOW go do your cardio (20 to 30 min max instead of the 1 hr he was previously doing). This was the other game changing tip that worked for him. You guessed right. Another weight loss tip.
  5. Detox. I placed him on a set of UNDA liver and kidney drops to begin clearing the toxicity from his ‘fat burning organs’. This safe and easy detoxification method is called, Biotherapeutic Drainage. You actually feel GOOD on them (unlike other detox plans, where if you feel really BAD on them, they are likely BAD for you). Is this another weight loss tip? Yup. A missing piece in most weight loss plans.

In summary,

He now reports that he feels like he did 3 1/2 yrs ago (full of energy and ready to rock it). He doesn’t feel like snacking at all anymore (very satisfied), He doesn’t feel the stress like he use to (and on occasion, when he does, he knows how to handle it). He’s not hot anymore or sweating all the time.

He know what to eat and why.

Plus, he LOVES his UNDA drops.

He reported he felt the difference being on them. He feels they made a difference in getting his health back on track.

If you know of anyone else suffering with high blood pressure, please share this post.

Or course, like anything, results do vary.

Looking for your own Personalized Nutritional Plan? Interested in Detox to take you to the next level?

Then simply go here for one on one help!

I’m happy to answer any questions or comments, just send me a message. 

Till next time…..












Morning Detox Drink (for fat flushing)

Want an easy detox drink recipe to start your day flushing excess body fat?

Get clean to get lean with this Morning Detox Drink (for fat flushing)!

How the Morning Detox Drink works to flush your fat

Overnight, your body’s been working very hard to clear away the inflammatory toxins keeping you trim, slim, and healthy. 

For this reason, your body IS the cleanest and slimmest first thing in the morning.

You’ve likely noticed how good you feel when you’ve had a restful sleep. 

Lighter, energized, refreshed, with an overall sense of rejuvenation. 

Give your body a little help to flush the fat with this Morning Detox Drink.

Morning Detox Drink – 4 simple ingredients

4 simple ingredients that go in your daily morning detox drink (recipe below)

Filtered Water

Filtered water (choose reverse osmosis or spring water for best results). Avoid tap water as it contains unwanted chemical residues and chlorine that clog up your body.

Drinking enough water (1 liter for every 50 pounds of body weight) is one of the easiest things we can do to flush away fat. Drink AWAY from meals for best results and not too close to bedtime to ensure a good night’s sleep.

Strive to have 1 liter of filtered water first thing in the morning before breakfast. 


Unrefined sea salt

Unrefined sea salt (choose either Celtic or Himalayan Salt for the trace minerals they impart needed for proper detox). Avoid processed table salt otherwise known as sodium chloride as it is EXTREMELY TAXING to your system. 

Consuming enough salt allows your body to retain it’s moisture, hydrating your cells and skin.

Strive to consume a total of 1 tsp of unrefined sea salt per day added to your meals. Those that exercise regularly and are on a ketogenic style diet can bump it up to 2 tsp per day. You know you’ve had too much salt if you feel you’re retaining water. 

Freshly squeezed lemon

Freshly squeezed lemon (use a real lemon for the naturally occurring flavonoids). Avoid lemon juice packaged in plastic bottles to support higher quality, cleaner food products. Lemons have the added benefit of assisting your liver to do its own cleaning by strengthening your liver enzymes. 

Strive to squeeze fresh lemons (or limes) on as many dishes throughout the day as you can. The naturally occurring vitamin C and bioflavonoids help to keep your tissues healthy, immune system strong, and body recharged.


Ginger root or powder stimulates digestive juices to flow in the stomach, liver, pancreas, and gall bladder through increasing blood circulation to the digestive tract. Using digestive aids like ginger can Be a help to lose weight.

Strive to incorporate ginger regularly into your meals to keep your digestive system humming and your waistline slim and trim.

NOTE: Ginger is helpful when you want to stop a cold in a day. Go here for information on ginger and How I Stopped a Cold in One Day

Be sure to make the Morning Detox Drink (for fat flushing) as part of your morning routine.

Please share this simple KEY to flushing fat with anyone else you know of who are still struggling with extra body fat to flush. 

Still confused on what to eat to drop that extra weight? Go here to DOWNLOAD MICHALE’S SLIM AND FILLING FREE RECIPE EBOOK for slimming and filling meals that your family will ALSO love. One meal can do it all!

Avoid gaining weight over the winter with a Personalized Nutritional Plan.

You all know how hard it is to lose weight after you’ve gained an extra 10 or 20 + lbs, don’t you?

Go here for your plan now! Click here