
Stop dieting and start eating – Top 5 tips to drop 15+ pounds

Let’s get real here. We need to stop dieting. A super restrictive diet is not only boring, it’s frankly useless and unnecessary! Why? Cutting out foods and food groups that are actually GOOD for you is not only unsustainable, it can also lead to a devastating disruption to your gut microbiome. The microbiome and it’s […]

6 Major Players To Balancing Hormones And Getting Lean

This is the final one of a series of posts on Balancing Hormones and Getting Lean. At the end of the series, you will be given the practical steps that encompass all 6 major players to balancing hormones and getting lean.  In my last article, The #1 Secret To Balancing Hormones And Getting Lean I shared with you […]


  Looking for a pre workout, Energy bar recipe to chew instead of drink? Then check out my Fit n Healthy Energy Bar Recipe.  Great for those looking to burn excess body fat and build lean muscle tissue. It also has the added benefit of turning your brain ON to improve mental performance, and get more done! A healthy and […]

The #1 Secret To Balancing Hormones And Getting Lean

The 1st Key To Getting Lean: Balancing Hormones and making darn sure you eat enough! This article is about balancing hormones. In my last post, How do some people eat more and stay lean? I shared with you what I did to try to lose weight and how the result of my efforts turned my body […]


Transform your morning breakfast to a hormone balancing smoothie. You’re likely no stranger to the health benefits of balancing your hormones. Most think of this as having normal periods, better mood, and easier weight loss. While this is true, balancing your hormones has far health reaching affects like blood sugar balance, restorative sleep, and building sexy […]