
Be Productive with Goal Setting: Goal setting made simple

PRODUCTIVITY STARTS WITH GOAL SETTING “Those that set goals are more productive and successful than those that don’t” Goals + Energy + Focus = Productivity To gain more traction with goal setting and be productive, both energy and focus are also important. The problem with goal setting is it can be too difficult and unsustainable. […]

6 Major Players To Balancing Hormones And Getting Lean

This is the final one of a series of posts on Balancing Hormones and Getting Lean. At the end of the series, you will be given the practical steps that encompass all 6 major players to balancing hormones and getting lean.  In my last article, The #1 Secret To Balancing Hormones And Getting Lean I shared with you […]

The #1 Secret To Balancing Hormones And Getting Lean

The 1st Key To Getting Lean: Balancing Hormones and making darn sure you eat enough! This article is about balancing hormones. In my last post, How do some people eat more and stay lean? I shared with you what I did to try to lose weight and how the result of my efforts turned my body […]

How do some people eat more and stay lean?

‘You look like you’re starting to gain weight’  This was the first comment I remember growing up, that triggered my desire to lose weight. Funny thing, looking back, I actually wasn’t overweight. Maybe I started to ‘fill out’ a little on my athletic frame, but I was definitely not overweight. The point is, it didn’t matter. […]


Without a doubt, one of the most overlooked strategies to burn fat, balance hormones, and recharge energy, is to get natural sunlight. Getting Fit n Healthy is NOT just a diet and exercise story. Getting Fit n Healthy is also a story about light. Sunlight is the most abundant energy source on the planet. Get […]