
Beets and Greens ‘libido boosting’ Salad

Ever wonder what foods can boost your libido?

Having a robust libido requires healthy adrenal and thyroid function.

An optimal diet to support these glands, can really go along way to having a better sex drive.

Based on my experience, a diet focused mainly (by volume) on vegetables, high quality proteins and critically essential fats with the addition of a few key foods, can really make a difference to making you feel ‘sexy’.

I’ve written extensively about this type of diet in my Eat to Get Slim, Strong, and Sexy for Summer

Add a boost to your libido with these key foods (recipe included)


Your thyroid THRIVES on dulse! Why? Dulse is a sea vegetable rich in the mineral iodine, needed for healthy thyroid hormone production. 


Beets contain a unique combination of plant compounds that have demonstrated to be beneficial to the thyroid. This is partly due to the cleansing effect that support the removal of harmful toxic compounds (through the stool via the liver and digestive tract). Both the roots and greens of beets contain beneficial compounds.

Celtic or Himalayan Salt

When it comes to salt, there is much more than just taste that these high mineral salts have to offer. Salt plays an important role in the healthy functioning of adrenal glands, thyroid glands, proper digestion, cell wall stability, nerve stimulation, muscle contraction and pH balance. It’s also been used for centuries in preserving food.

Increase your libido with this delicious recipe (incorporating these fine ingredients)

CC BY-NC-ND by mcotner

Please be sure to share it with those you love! 

Want a Customized Diet with meal plans, recipes, and your very own food list? Then go to Get One on One Help

Go here to download your free 30 easy to make slimming and filling dishes that your family will love.

I personally make ‘a salad a day’ a normal routine to keep me slim, strong and feeling sexy. Hope you do too!




Print Recipe
Beet and Greens Salad with Pumpkin Seed Oil Vinaigrette
Boost your libido with this beets and green salad recipe. Topped with pumpkin seed oil vinaigrette, it has everything you need to spark up those taste buds and more!
Prep Time 15 minutes
Cook Time 0
Passive Time 0
Prep Time 15 minutes
Cook Time 0
Passive Time 0
Prepare the Vivaigrette
  1. Prepare vinaigrette by combining all ingredients in a jar with a tight-fitting lid: shake well.
Prepare the Salad
  1. Place greens on the bottom of a large salad bowl. Using a cheese grater, grate beets and place on top of greens. Pour vinaigrette dressing and toss. Top with your choice of protein: goat cheese, chicken pieces or wild salmon.
  2. Get ready to enjoy!

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