
Rice and Potato Soup

Some of you might be thinking, what’s a rice and potato soup doing on a website focused on creating a better physic? Isn’t that too many carbs for weight loss?

Yes and no.

First of all, there’s a lot of benefit to reducing carbs. Just as there’s a lot of benefit to reloading them.

Reloading Carbs and it’s link to fat loss

Health experts and exercise enthusiasts like Dr David Jockers, Ben Greenfield and Mike Mutzel, who speak highly of a low carb diet approach to fat loss all agree that reloading on carbs, is a good idea. The key is to save them for your dinner meal. 

Saving your carbs for the evening meal sets the stage for deep sleep which, in the end helps with fat loss through proper hormone signalling.

You also get the added benefit to feeling more rested in the morning which motivates you to exercise.

Choosing the right carbs to reload

Good carbs to consider ‘reloading’ include the starchy carbs, like yams, sweet potatoes, potatoes, parsnips, and winter squashes. And/or whole grains like rice, quinoa, and buckwheat.

Just make sure your grains are proper soaked and/or sprouted to allow for proper assimilation and digestion. 

Want a way to get slimmer AND feed your family well with a delicious warm bowl of soup

One meal does it all!

Say Hello to the Rice and Potato Soup Recipe and a great family meal.

As a busy mom, this is exactly what I do for myself and my family. Try it and see for yourself

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Rice and Potato Soup
What better way then to get slimmer with a delicious soup AND feed your family well. All with one meal! Say Hello to the Rice and Potato Soup
Prep Time 20 minutes
Cook Time 35 minutes
Passive Time 15 minutes
Prep Time 20 minutes
Cook Time 35 minutes
Passive Time 15 minutes
  1. Put broth or water into pot and cut potatoes, salt and rice.
  2. Bring to a boil and then reduce to simmer until potatoes are tender. About 20 minutes.
  3. While potatoes are cooking, use a separate skillet and put diced onions with 2 Tbps butter and fry (without browning) until soft.
  4. Next, add tomatoes and peppers to onions and fry for 10 min.
  5. When potatoes are tender, remove potatoes (leaving the rice in the pot) to a bowl, mash add remaining butter (3 Tbsp) to the tomato-pepper combo. Mix well within your skillet. Keeping the rice in the pot with the broth or water.
  6. Lastly, add the potato, tomato, and pepper mixture into the pot with the rice and broth. Stir and serve with your favorite protein. Best combinations are previously cooked chicken, turkey or pork sausages.

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