
Best Nutritional Practices for Best Exercise Outcomes

Come to my next talk on Exercise Nutrition!

“Best Nutritional Practices for
Best Exercise Outcomes”

By Michale Hartte, BASc (Nutr), NNCP, CH

The Role of Macronutrients and Micronutrients in Exercise Nutrition

At the end of this talk, you will learn 4 things:

  1. How to eat to build muscle, burn fat, and improve energy for optimal exercise outcomes.
  2. The importance micronutrients play in Exercise Nutrition
  3. Key supplements to enhance performance and recovery.
  4. Best morning and evening routine to set the stage for a high-performance day.

Room for Q and A afterward.

Date – Friday, Feb 14th

Time – 3-4pm

Location – The Athlete Den

3320 Richter Street
Kelowna, British Columbia

(250) 801-3868

Register by emailing info@theathleteden.ca or askmichale@gmail.com

Only 20 spots available. Open to the community.

If you’re ready to take your health to a whole new level, then come to my free talk!