
START HERE – The Fit n Healthy Reset

You’re only going to be as Fit n Healthy as you ask your body to be

– Michale Hartte

Author, writer, speaker, practitioner, and coach with the ninja moves 

You’re here because you know its time to get healthy.

Something inside is urging you to start cleaning up your diet and lifestyle. You may even be ready to embark on a new exercise program, replace old worn-out habits with new healthy ones, or perhaps feel the need to cleanse or detox. Ready to take your health more seriously. 

You’re in the right place.

START HERE – The Fit n Healthy Reset. My philosophy to getting Fit n Healthy starts with building a solid and strong foundation, enjoying the journey along the way, and feeling proud of your accomplishments. A daily routine with healthy habits that over time lead to self-mastery. We are in need of more healthy people and I am glad you’ve taken this next step. 

Did you know?

A meager 12% of Americans are considered Metabolically Healthy. Canadian stats are potentially equal to this given that the diet and lifestyle choices are to a great extent, similar.

The five metabolic measurements in this recent study included blood glucose, triglycerides, high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL-C), blood pressure and waist circumference. 

What’s going on?

The shocking truth to this boils down to poor nutrition, a sedentary lifestyle, and what I call looking for the ‘next shiny object’ syndrome. 

Would you believe the average person walks around tired, brain fogged, bloated, constipated, riddled with painful joints, with insomnia, a loss of libido, growths on their face and body, with years accumulating toxins that are all trapped in their large amounts of adipose tissue (fat).

This big mess equals a 24/7 release of whole-body inflammatory markers zapping the life, fun and energy right out of them. And amongst all of this, they are searching for meaning, purpose, while struggling to get away from guilt and beating themselves up by day’s end.

Hoping the next day will be better. YUK!

We can do better than this! What if I said that you CAN leap out of bed with a heartfelt vigor to start your day with energy and purpose? Begin with a morning routine that sets the stage to be your best self for high performance, a feeling of wellness, and shear JOY? A body where your digestion, sleep, brain, recovery, and hormones are all working at top speed? 

What if we all felt like either Batman or Cat Woman?

Strong, confident and healthy!

You can! You just need to START!

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Start Here – The Fit n Healthy Reset 


How to have a ninja-like mindset, capable to tackle anything that comes your way.

How to eat healthy even in social situations and when out.

How to get your body clean from the inside to look lean and healthy on the outside.

How to have a daily routine that keeps you centered and well balanced.

How to get your digestion working smoothly and know when you’re hungry and stop when full.

How to get deep, restorative sleep to give you next day energy, strength and vitality.

How to make exercise a priority to look and feel proud of the steady work you’ve put in.

In other words, you are giving back to yourself and with confidence knowing that you’re also giving to other people too.

YOU are the role model.

YOU believe in yourself.

YOU keep yourself accountable 

Ready for your Fit n Healthy Reset? START HERE

For the complete reset plan go to 7 Day Simple Health Reset and start now!