What if I told you that you could reverse the signs of aging – in an instant? Would you believe me?
Well I believe it is true.
Every food you consume dictates whether you will age quickly, slowly or even in reverse.
Reverse the signs of aging by avoiding the foods below:
The 4 Most “aging” Foods to Avoid
1. Pasteurized cow’s milk: Pasteurized cow’s milk is everything except raw cow’s milk. One of the biggest problems with the consumption of pasteurized cow’s milk is our inability to digest it. Pasteurization destroys ALL the naturally occurring enzymes in milk. When this happens, we need to rely on our own bodies ability to produce the necessary enzymes to break it down and use it. When it comes to pasteurized milk, most adults lack the ability to produce lactase, an enzyme needed to break down lactose (the sugar in milk). Infants, on the other hand, do produce lactase. This is natures way to ensure the break down of the sugar (lactose) in mother’s milk, however, after about the age of 2 (their natural weaning period), they begin to lose this enzyme production.
Equally problematic is casein, the type of protein in milk. Casein is one of the most difficult proteins for our bodies to digest. Symptoms of digestive difficulty include: abdominal discomfort, bloating, fatigue, and/or a predisposition to develop a cold, bronchitis, and ear infection. Recurrent ear infections in children are most commonly caused by an allergy or intolerance to milk (especially with the added appearance of dark circles under the eyes). Those who have a strong constitution may only notice the symptoms as an unexplainable lack of energy.
Simple Solutions: Replace the typical ‘cereal and milk’ with old-fashioned rolled oats topped with rice, oat, or almond milk. Alternatively, look for good quality raw milk, often found at your farmers market.
Look under ‘Recipes’ for more healthy breakfast ideas.
2. Fried food: When we fry our foods, free radicals begin a destructive chain reaction and produce damaging trans fatty acids. These altered and toxic substances cause cells to degenerate and manifest themselves as degenerative diseases.
Simple Solutions: When cooking on high heat, use only grape seed, avocado oil, refined coconut oil or any fat that occurs naturally in meats and poultry.
3. Refined sugar: We all know sugars are not good for us, however, what makes refined sugar so bad? Brad King, M.S., M.F.S and Dr. Michael Shmidt in their book BioAge explain it well. According to them, the sugars most commonly known to contribute to aging are glucose (common table sugar), fructose (table sugar and high-fructose corn syrup), and galactose (milk products). Through their extensive research, they believe these sugars are central to the accelerated aging process. Nutrition aimed at balancing blood sugar and insulin along with protection against free radicals are the keys to combat many forms of illness.
Simple Solutions: Choose these natural sweeteners (remembering always to limiting your amounts): Stevia, unpasteurized honey, palm sugar, real maple syrup, unsulphured molasses, brown rice syrup, barley malt, date sugar, evaporated cane juice, xylitol, lou han guo and dried fruits.
4. White flour: Other names for white flour include: enriched flour, stone ground wheat flour and wheat flour. The biggest problem with white flour is that ALL of the natural goodness is milled out! Just as the consumption of pasteurized cow’s milk puts a strain on our digestive system, this same refining process strips our grains of their naturally occurring enzymes (vitamins and minerals too).
Simple Solutions: Consume whole grain products that are in their ‘whole form’. Examples of these are: whole spelt, whole wheat, old-fashioned rolled oats, Scottish oats, brown or wild rice. Ideally, you want to soak, sprout or ferment your grains for the removal of phytates and enzyme inhibitors.
Look under ‘Nutritional Tools’ for how to properly prepare your grains (for better health).
Want to learn more about how you can get fit and healthy? Check out Michale Hartte’s new book, “The Fit ‘n Healthy Plan – The healthy diet & lifestyle plan made easy!”. Click under “Products and Services” for more information.