
Fit n Healthy Green Smoothie Recipe – helps to lose weight and detox

Fit n Healthy Green Smoothie – Great for weight loss and detox

Looking for easy weight loss and safe detox? Try a green smoothie!

WARNING! Don’t make the mistake of forgetting the protein and fat! 

Here’s my Fit n Healthy Green Smoothie recipe.

It’s jammed packed full of detoxifying spring greensprotein to get skinny and healthy fat to control your hunger and feel satisfied!


Fit n Healthy Green Smoothie Recipe


  • 1 cup of berries or 1 whole ripe fruit of your choice, sliced
  • Handful of dark leafy greens. Try kale leaves (stems removed) or spinach.
  • Choose either 2 Tbsp ground flax, chia, hemp seeds, avocado or any slimming oil like MCT or coconut oil.
  • ½ – ¾ cup of filtered water (the less water, the thicker the smoothie).
  • 2 scoops Ultimate High Alpha Whey Protein powder (try vanilla or strawberry), Pro Pea Balance (Genestra) protein powder, or equivalent protein powder. There are my top picks for weight loss.


  • Place all ingredients into a blender except the protein powder and blend for 2 full minutes (helps to reduce any ‘goitrogenic’ effect present with certain raw greens)
  • Add protein powder at the very end of the mix or simply pour fruit and green mixture in a bowl and top with protein powder to make a smoothie in a bowl.
  • NOTE: Add in any ‘extras’ e.g. spirulina, magnesium pwd, vitamin c pwd, colostrum pwd, probiotic (HMF) pwd, slippery elm bark pwd, herbal bulk, Maca, Creatine powder, or sunflower lecithin. These are what I add to mine.

Anyone have any other green smoothie ideas?

If you like this, please make sure to share this with your friends and family!

Anyone looking for a personalized Nutritional Plan, please contact me at michale@fitnhealthynutrition.com



Heal inflammation and drop your belly fat! Here’s how…..

Heal inflammation and drop your belly fat.

In my last blog post, Inflammation – the key driver to unsightly belly fat

I cleared up the #1 fat loss myth….

Excess belly fat IS NOT a condition of excess calories.

Fit and healthy bodies know exactly what to do with these calories. It’s efficient and systematic.

The truth is, fit and healthy bodies use calories from food and drinks for energy production, hormone regulation, regeneration and repair.

Bodies that are fit and healthy have ‘all day energy’ and can perform at their best…..without a lot of extra jiggle when they wiggle.

Where things go wrong has more to do with chronic inflammation than it has to do with simply looking at ‘calories’.

If you are someone with excess belly fat, look to inflammation as the driver.

Heal inflammation. Know the triggers.

Follow these simple solutions and finally drop your belly fat

Inflammatory trigger #1) ENVIRONMENTAL TOXINS –

Let’s face it. You live in an industrialized world. Toxicity is now everywhere. From the electromagnetic fields (EMFs), to the water and foods you consume. They are in the surfaces you touch and the products that you place on your skin.

It’s no longer a question of IF you are toxic, but a question of HOW much.

Avoidance of toxicity is the first simple solution to heal inflammation and drop the belly fat.

Simple Solutions to Reducing Environmental Toxins

Identify and eliminate as many sources of toxicity as you can.

Electromagnetic Fields (EMFs): According to EMF expert, Dr Ross Anderson, “Research shows that EMFs may cause a variety of very specific biological changes in the body, even at exposure levels that are many times lower than allowed under safety limits in most countries”.

His research links chronic EMF exposure to chronic inflammation in the body. Not only that, EMFs can raise your stress hormones, elevate blood sugar levels, and can even damage your genetic material. All of which are culprits in weight gain.

Check out these trusted websites for ways to reduce your exposure: www.SafeZoneEMF.com and www.electrosense.com

Water: In the past, drinking water simply contained hydrogen and oxygen with a collection of minerals. Now, our waters contain pharmaceuticals, heavy metals, chlorine, pesticides, herbicides and a host of other toxic chemicals.

To keep your body free from toxins, drinking clean water is KEY!

Drink purified water preferably from a reverse osmosis (RO) system. Look for water systems that come with an additional carbon block to lower chemical residues. The water system I personally recommend can be found here: www.santevia.com

Food: Now more than ever, we need to be concerned with our current food supply. Chemicals found in conventional (non-organic) foods are of greatest concern.

When it comes to belly fat, there are a class of chemicals called, persistent organic pollutants (POPs) that are particularly associated with diabetes, metabolic syndrome, and obesity.

Tom Malterre MS, CN, author of Whole Life Nutrition, reports that Dioxins, common POPs, are some of the most toxic substances known to man with clear evidence that they can alter learning in children, cause cancer, change blood sugar metabolism, suppress immune system and alter hormone function, such as thyroid and testosterone”.

To keep your body fit and healthy for life – eat clean.

A good start would be to familiarize yourself with the foods most highly sprayed (with chemicals) and the ones that are least sprayed.

To make it easy, The Environmental Working Group, a non-profit organization, created, “The Shoppers Guide to Pesticides in Produce”. Checkout their handy downloadable list called The Dirty Dozen Plus and the Clean Fifteen by going here: www.EWG.org

Go organic where possible. Organic foods are not sprayed with harmful chemicals and are found to be more nutrient rich than conventional.

Above and beyond eating organic foods, go to www.LifeWithoutPlastic.com for options on how to reduce your exposure to POPs.

Best way to eat clean is to grow your own food. Having your own garden is the ultimate in eating clean and fresh. Start with herbs on your deck and go from there!

Detox: Optimize your body’s physiology. Detoxing is another way to rid yourself of these chemicals. In fact, detoxing is essential for anyone who wants to be healthy.

Are you Susceptible to Toxicity?

Life is always about balance. Simply put, health and weight problems occur when more toxins stay IN and less toxins go OUT.

Enhancing your primary detoxification systems (liver, kidney and gut) is KEY to accelerating belly fat loss. In fact, weight loss programs, when done right, really do need to include a detoxification protocol.

Here’s why:

When you break down fat cells, inflammatory markers are released. If you do not safely remove these inflammatory agents, you actually feel ‘crappy’ while you lose weight. You may even be harming your health (not what you want).

On the other hand, performing a proper detoxification protocol will safely remove these inflammatory agents so you feel well while you lose weight!

UNDA Numbered Compounds – a unique and safe way to detoxify.

As a certified BTD specialist, I have personally helped hundreds of individuals improve their health using UNDAS as a safe and effective method of detoxification.

For more information on UNDAS and detoxification, please visit www.biotherapeuticdrainage.com.

That’s the first way to Heal inflammation and drop your belly fat, let’s look at the next.

Inflammatory trigger #2) INFECTIONS–

Both toxicity and infections all lead to chronic inflammation and excess belly fat.

Infections are there due to an overgrowth of pathogenic organisms that attack the body. In response, the immune system ramps up with gut inflammation to fight the infection and heal infected tissue.

Pathogenic organisms take the form of yeasts, funguses, viruses, bacterium or parasites. Usually the culprits are a collection of many forms (ie. not just Candida).

Guess what these infectious organisms use as fuel? Sugar and starches. So if you find yourself with insatiable cravings, it may indicate a low grade infection.

Simple Solutions to Healing Infections

Diet: Consume a diet that increases the ‘beneficial organisms’ or good bacteria while decreasing the ‘pathogenic ones’ or bad bacteria. This would include foods like garlic, artichokes, and onions (prebiotics), and coconut kefir, kimchi, and sauerkraut (probiotics), along with colorful fruits, veggies, herbs and spices (polyphenols). These food categories avert metabolic danger in the gut, by starving the pathogenic organisms while feeding your good ones. It is literally a recipe for belly fat loss.

The Fit n Healthy Diet addresses all of the above with the 4 Building Blocks of Healthy Eating. Information. Find it here: Fit n Healthy Diet

Supplements: Supplements can also help. Look for these natural compounds: Goldenseal, berberine, black walnut, burdock, olive leaf, grapefruit seed extract, and garlic. I personally use either Ultra MFP from Douglas Labs. Ultra MFP

Or Berberis Formula from Genestra: Berberis Formula

Many of my clients use these and get good results. That’s the second way to Heal inflammation and drop your belly fat, let’s look at the next.

Inflammatory trigger #3) NUTRITIONAL DEFICIENCIES

Overwhelming evidence reveals that micronutrient deficiencies are associated with inflammation, chronic disease, and stubborn weight gain. Nutritional deficiencies of amino acids, fat soluble vitamins, or minerals deprive the body of the actual ‘building blocks’ to help with proper function.

For example, zinc deficiency reduces leptin, a beneficial hormone that regulates appetite. Carnitine is an important nutrient that helps muscle cells burn fat calories for fuel. I was actually found to be deficient in Carnitine through Micronutrient testing. Go here to see my report 264914_Q55060_HARTTE_MNT (Michale). Evidence shows that supplementation with carnitine when combined with exercise may induce positive changes in body composition by reducing (belly fat) more efficiently than without supplementation.

One recent study demonstrated CoQ10 decreased obesity-induced inflammation of the liver.

Low vitamin B6 and amino acid taurine are linked to low GABA. GABA deficiency has been linked to anxiety disorders, panic attacks, addiction, insomnia, headaches, and seizure disorders like epilepsy. GABA is our natural ‘off’ button to life. Without the building blocks, we feel ‘stressed out’.

Simple Solutions to Detecting and Correcting Nutritional Deficiencies

Test – Don’t guess! Spectracell Micronutrient Test vs Your Routine Blood Test

SpectraCell’s Micronutrient Test (MNT) measures the function of 35 nutritional components including vitamins, antioxidants, minerals and amino acids within your white blood cells.

Your Routine Blood Test, typically done through the physicians’ office, is a serum test often limited to iron, vitamin D, vitamin E, calcium and magnesium.

MNT gives the past 6 month average of your nutritional history vs routine blood testing, which gives a snapshot (average 1 month history).

Scientific evidence shows us that analyzing the white blood cells (through MNT), gives us the most accurate analysis of a body’s deficiencies.

Also, something to consider with routine blood testing, is that the results can vary depending on how much inflammation the body is experiencing. This is because the levels of several vitamins and minerals have been found to be decreased by up to 40 percent when inflammation is present! (American Journal of Clinical Nutrition 2012).

The bottom line is, at least in these circumstances, routine blood testing can fall short.

However, it a good first start as long as you see its shortcoming and don’t rely on it alone.

I personally use both routine blood testing and micronutrient testing to get a full picture (for the stubborn or severe cases).

Info on Micronutrient testing, through Spectra Cell labs can be found here: www.SpectraCell.com

That’s the third way to Heal inflammation and drop your belly fat, let’s look at the next.

 Inflammatory trigger #4) FOOD SENSITIVITIES –

Eating foods that are not compatible with your body, leads to leaky gut.

Leaky gut is another way your body creates inflammation. This inflammation causes a grave disruption to your metabolism and promotes weight gain.

A healthy gut has tight junctions to allow the process of digestion, assimilation and elimination to work perfectly. However, when these tight junctions come apart, leaky gut is the result.

The problem starts with partially digested food particles that enter into the blood stream (where they aren’t supposed to go) and activate your immune system. Thinking these food particles are invaders, your immune system mobilizes for the attack.

There is more: Your immune system also develops antibodies so it can recognize each intruder next time. Smart eh?

We now have a big problem; your immune system reacts negatively next time, to a food which would otherwise be healthy. If you keep eating the foods the body reacts to often enough, your immune system ends up in permanent alert. Chronic, low grade inflammation is the result.

Not only that, leptin signaling is turned down, leading to insulin resistance and you stay fat with a potential threat of diabetes.

Simple Solutions to Healing Food Sensitivities

Begin by avoiding the most common food sensitivities while you heal your gut. Then slowly reintroduce, one by one, after the gut is healthy.

The most common food sensitivities that are implicated in inflammation include:

All gluten grains, dairy, corn, peanuts, soy, sugar and artificial sweeteners, yeast, and the nightshade family of foods. Strictly avoid these foods for the 1st month, then follow the ‘elimination diet’ for guidance on how to reintroduce them back in.

Simply google ‘elimination diet’ to help you with this or contact me at michale@fitnhealthynutrition.com for a quick and easy solution.

I personally believe drawing blood to test for food sensitivities is only beneficial for those that are not getting results with the easier program outlined. For others that are getting results, once the gut is healed and the micronutrients are restored, the body can get back to eating a wide, diverse diet in most cases.

That’s the forthway to Heal inflammation and drop your belly fat, let’s look at the next.

Inflammatory trigger #5) EMOTIONAL TRAUMA –

Where the mind goes, the body flows. It’s undeniable that mental stress can affect human physiology. When under stress, cortisol and adrenaline both rise lending to hormone imbalances, unresolved inflammation and unsightly belly fat.

Simple Solutions to Healing Emotional Trauma

There are many health practitioners who can help. Reiki, color therapy, and Emotional Freedom Technique EFT are found to help some. Best to search out what fits your needs and begin your own path to emotional freedom.

That’s the fifth and final way to Heal inflammation and drop your belly fat, let’s look at the next.

I hope from this blog post you can see how chronic inflammation can lead to unsightly belly fat. But, more importantly, simple solutions to fix it!

Heal inflammation and drop your belly fat!

To summarize, I want to give an excerpt from a book I’m reading by Catherine Shanahan, MD, ‘Deep Nutrition, Why your genes need traditional food’,

‘Fat making may seem like the body’s default reaction, but it’s really just the default reaction in periods of stress and nutrient deprivation. When the body gets all the real food, exercise, and rest that it needs, the default reaction is to convert unwanted belly fat into something better. Which physiologic directive your body follows is ultimately up to you”.

Need a personalized plan? Go here to learn more or book your appointment with me now Personalize your plan

Please be sure to share this with at least 1 of not 2 people you love who can be helped with this information.

Inflammation: A key driver to unsightly belly fat

(article published in Okanagan Child Winter 2017)

Contrary to popular belief, your excess belly fat is NOT a condition of excess calories. The body has several built in ways of dealing with calorie excess, without you ever getting fat. Obesity, or excess body fat is actually a disease of inflammation. And this Inflammation, sets the stage for hormone dysregulation, improper hormone signalling, and belly fat that just won’t go away!

The science of fat loss really shifted gears when they discovered that our fat cells (adipocytes) are not ‘dead weight’. It turns out, our fat cells actually release pro inflammatory ‘cytokines’. We know now, inflammation has been found to be a key driver to the storage of unsightly belly fat.

Inflammation defined

All inflammation occurs on a cellular level. Inflammation is the reaction your immune system has to repair tissue from injury or to protect you from a dangerous pathogenic invader.

Picture for Inflammation - The Key Drive to Unsightly Belly FatTwo types of inflammation – acute and chronic

Acute inflammation is the response we want to have happen.

Acute inflammation is there to heal the body. When the immune system has done its job and the ‘threat’ is gone, inflammation subsides.

The problem starts when we either suppress the symptoms (ie using aspirin for a low grade fever) or when the inflammation becomes chronic (lasting more than 2 weeks). This sets the stage for destruction instead of what we want – repair and regeneration.

Because the ‘threat’ never really goes away, neither does the inflammation either. When it comes to belly fat, the longer the inflammation continues, the more you get fat and harder it is to burn it off.

Picture for Inflammation - The Key Drive to Unsightly Belly Fat (2)

How inflammation leads to belly fat

As one gets fatter, our master hormone, leptin rises. The more that leptin rises, the more inflammation is produced. It’s the reason why overweight and obese people are so prone to inflammatory conditions like autoimmune, arthritis, diabetes and cancer.

High inflammation quickly sets the stage for fatty liver disease and type two diabetes over time. Even mild inflammation can lead to these conditions over

The fatter one gets, the more leptin the fat cells release. The longer this goes on, the more resistant the brain gets to leptin signalling. This is called Leptin Resistance and it spells disaster for anyone looking to lose belly fat.

Leptin controls the body’s metabolism (the rate at which we burn calories). Most people think it’s the job of the thyroid, but leptin actually controls the thyroid. Inflammation stops T4 to T3 conversion in the liver and abruptly turn off your thyroid’s ability to function properly, despite normal thyroid labs.

Aha! When this happens, it doesn’t allow you to burn fat in your muscles because it downregulates your basal metabolic rate. This process is called peripheral (muscle) leptin resistance. This is why some fat people cannot burn fat with exercise.

Leptin controls all energy production in the body. Without energy, everything fails. Leptin tells the brain when you’ve had enough food. Leptin decides whether to make us hungry and store more fat or to regulate our hunger/satiety and burn fat. When you are leptin resistant, you are always hungry, have insatiable cravings and likely need to eat all the time.

No other hormonal imbalance in the body, in fact, can ultimately be restored to healthy balance without leptin functioning normally.

Leptin resistance occurs first. Insulin resistance happens next. Insulin is our fat storage hormone. This is an important point to remember. If we do not take action steps to become insulin sensitive, then this can eventually lead to adrenal resistance. We feel this as relentless fatigue. Then comes the pituitary hormones, which regulate the thyroid and growth hormones. Growth hormone is our anti-aging fat burning hormone and when it’s low, we age quickly and stay fat. Next comes your sex hormones, and on down. It’s the chain of command.

Picture for Inflammation - The Key Drive to Unsightly Belly Fat (2)

To get lean, fit ‘n healthy you need to take the steps to heal the inflammation. This inflammation is what’s driving your belly fat storage. And as described above, one of the mechanisms, is through leptin and insulin resistance. This, in turn cues your body to stop burning fat and start storing it.

How to test for inflammation:

Have some blood work done to include HSCRP. HSCRP, which is not the same as CRP, is what we use to measure baseline inflammation. HSCRP is a very early biomarker for cellular inflammation before any disease takes hold. The liver releases (HSCRP) in times of metabolic stress. When you look at your labs, anything over 1 is consider high.

How to test for Leptin Resistance.

The easiest way is to look in the mirror. If you are way too fat or way too thin, you most likely are leptin resistant. If you have hypothyroidism, you also are leptin resistant. You can also have some blood work done and include reverse T3. Reverse T3 is a competitive inhibitor to T3 and T4. Those are your thyroid hormones.


Healing inflammation– the KEY to belly fat loss.

So, now that I’ve established how inflammation is a key driver to unsightly belly fat, to effectively burn belly fat, we need to bring inflammation down.

You can find out here: Heal Inflammation and Drop your Belly Fat! Here’s how…..

If you have any comments, I would love to hear from you!

Grass Fed Meats Are A Great Natural Source of Saturated Fats

As more people are choosing healthier lifestyles, eating the right foods has become a top priority. One area which has spawned renewed interest is grass fed meats. They are a great natural source of saturated fats. Let’s take a closer look at the benefits derived from grass fed meats.

Grass fed meats contains omega-3 fatty acids which are important in reducing the risk of cardiovascular disease, Alzheimer’s, cancer, rheumatoid arthritis, and depression. On the other hand, grain fed meats offer little in health benefits and studies have shown they contain none of the necessary vitamins and minerals found in grass fed meats.

Saturated fat in grass fed meats may lower cholesterol levels due to the stearic acid that is contained therein. What is stearic acid? Well, it is a saturated fat that can also be found in chocolate, believe it or not. It is also utilized in margarine and shortening. When converted, it turns into monounsaturated fat. This conversion is good news since studies have indicated that the fat has little if any effect on cholesterol levels.

While we normally produce cholesterol in our bodies, there are some individuals who inherently produce more than others. The omega-3 fatty acids in grass fed meats help lower these levels, and grass fed meat contains less fat and calories than grain fed meats.

With the high amount of omega-3 which is found in grass fed meats, you have a healthy alternative to grain fed meats. Conversely, in grain fed meats the amount of omega-6 fatty acid is greater. Individuals whose diet does not consist of a proper ratio of omega-3 and omega-6 can be more prone to disease.

In the old days, livestock were traditionally grass fed. Unfortunately, today we find that most livestock are given grain and other food products to fatten them up. Cows, for example, are given corn which is not readily digestible. Thus, antibiotics have to be given to counteract the effects of these foods.

The recent outbreak of E. coli is a testament to the devastating effects of feeding corn to cows. Grass fed meat does not contain the E. coli bacteria.

It seems every time you listen to the news they are either telling you to eat meat or don’t eat meat. The fact of the matter is that the data collected from a myriad of studies and research shows that grass fed meat is a healthy alternative.

3 Top Tips To Stop Sugar Cravings

Are you one of the million Canadians suffering from sugar cravings?

Well, you are not alone.  To manage daily cravings and blood sugar swings and reduce addiction long-term, add the following top 3 tips to stop sugar cravings to your daily diet!

Check out what I personally do to keep my sugar cravings at bay (find it near the end of this post)

3 Tips to Stop Sugar Cravings

Tip #1: Fiber-rich foods

Choose fiber-rich foods to help keep sugar cravings under control. Dietary fiber has a stabilizing effect on blood sugar levels, slowing the absorption of glucose from foods, which reduces the sharp rise in blood sugar levels.

Avoid: Refined carbs like sugary breakfast cereals, white breads, pasta and rice, and cakes and biscuits, all high in added sugars and low in fiber, will cause sharp spikes and dips in blood sugar levels, resulting in low energy levels and sugar cravings.

Do include: Fiber-rich foods include vegetables, fruit, nuts and seeds, beans, legumes and small portions of grains (ideally soaked or sprouted for best digestion).

Weight loss tip

Refined carbs lead to being overweight (and staying that way).

Fiber-rich foods help strip the body of extra weight (and keep it off).

Tip #2: Eliminate “Fast” Carbohydrates

Blood sugar spikes get started by eating “fast” carbohydrates.

Avoid: Candy and soft drinks are obvious sources of “fast” carbs. But not so obvious are flour products like white bread, bagels, waffles, pancakes, muffins, donuts, cookies, cakes, crackers, many breakfast cereals and snack chips.We call them “fast” carbs because they have no fiber, protein or fat to slow down digestion. They break down rapidly into sugar, causing a spike. It’s the familiar “sugar rush,” and it comes from white bread almost as fast as from candy.The spike is perceived as a metabolic emergency and our body reacts by clearing the excess sugar as fast as it can. This inevitably drives blood sugar too low. It’s the “sugar crash,” and causes cravings from having too little blood sugar. 

The sugar cravings lead to more “fast carb” eating, and the spike and crash cycle happens again and again. 

Do include: The healthier `slow`carbs, like vegetables (especially non-starchy fibrous ones), whole fruit (especially berries), nuts and seeds (properly soaked) and, if you are one who does eat grains, choose grains that are properly soaked or sprouted for best digestion. 

Weight loss tip

Replace ‘non-starchy fibrous carbs’ for ‘fast’ carbs. Some examples of ‘non-starchy fibrous carbs’ include: asparagus, bell peppers, broccoli, cauliflower, kale, cabbage, celery, cucumber. Serving size: unlimited (enough to feel 80% full and as part of your meal that contains a serving of protein and fat).

Dinner is the time to have your ‘starchy’ carbohydrate. Starchy carbohydrates help to ensure a good night’s sleep (which is why we avoid them at breakfast and lunch). Some examples of ‘starchy’ carbohydrates include: potatoes, yams, pumpkin, carrots, and properly soaked or sprouted beans or grains. Serving size: 1/2 cup cooked.


Tip #3: Protein & Fats

Here is the golden rule when it comes to eliminating sugar cravings for life…..

Eat a serving of protein and fat with each meal. Protein and fats takes longer to digest, which slows release of sugar from carbs and eliminating the “sugar spike & crash”! Fat and protein also keep you satisfied for longer, reducing the urge to eat sugary foods.

Avoid: Eating meals without including a protein and fat.

Do include: Quality protein foods like; pasture raised meats, low mercury fish (i.e. wild salmon), eggs from pasture fed chickens, raw dairy (instead of pasteurized), and nuts and seeds (properly soaked). For healthy fats, choose coconut oil, butter (from grass fed cows), avocados, olives, seeds like flax, chia and hemp, nuts like almonds and cashews, extra virgin olive oil.

Weight loss tip

Need help with your diet? Go here for the Slim, Strong, and Sexy Diet

3 things I DO to KEEP my sugar cravings at bay

  1. Drink herbal tea sweetened with stevia – I choose either an herbal, peppermint, or ginger blend and sweeten with green leaf stevia (not processed white stevia). I drink about 1 full pot most days between meals.
  2. Chew xylitol sweetened gum – I choose either cinnamon or peppermint flavor brand of Spry or Pure. I enjoy chewing gum between meals.
  3. Drink carbonated water. When I am eating out, this is my beverage of choice after dinner. Look for the San Pellegrino brand for it’s balanced mineral content.


The Indian herb Gymnema sylvestre has been used in traditional Ayurvedic medicine for 2000 years, most recently for the treatment of diabetes. Loose leaf Gymnema sylvestre can be prepared as a tea and will impair the ability to taste sugar by blocking sweet receptors on the tongue.

A good trick I help my personal clients with, is to have the Gymnema sylvestre capsules on hand. Simply open one up and pop the contents into the mouth.

Stops sugar cravings right in it’s tracks! Always being mind full to fix the sugar craving problem by getting at it’s root cause – which is usually Leptin Resistance.


NEWS FLASH: It may not be your diet. You may be Leptin Resistant

Find out what it is and how to fix it here

Take the Leptin Resistant Quiz

At the end of it all, once you have mastered your sugar cravings you will be a step closer to achieving optimal health.

Need help with a more Personalized Diet? Then go here for one on one help