
Find out how Winsome lost 23 lbs in 7 weeks after she almost lost hope.

Find out how Winsome lost 23 lbs in 7 weeks after she almost lost hope.

Here Winsome’s story about how she almost lost hope to get healthy and lose weight until she saw my wellness talk on Leptin Resistance.

Check out her ‘gut-wrenching’ story about how she felt before starting her Fit n Healthy plan and how she feels now. WOW! Winsome is a superstar! As a previous nurse with all those years of not sleeping, she is now able to sleep well, feed her body properly, lose a whopping 23 lbs in just 7 weeks, have the energy to do what she loves to do. Congratulations Winsome!

Want to lose weight too?

If you’re struggling to get healthy and lose weight and ready for a simple, no-nonsense approach that doesn’t include deprivation, starving, counting calories or grueling exercise, book your FREE CALL with Michale by clicking here Michale’s Calendar

How Journaling Can Help You Get in Shape, with Michale Hartte

We are beyond excited to tell you about our interview with Diet and Detox Specialist, Michale Hartte, because we know her ideas can help using journaling.

Whether you struggle with achieving wellness goals or you’re just looking for extra inspiration to maximize your health regimen, you won’t want to miss this conversation. Discover the ways journaling can help you achieve optimal health and fitness.


Michale’s Top Three Tips to Help Slim Down and Get Stronger

1) The Value of a Good Night’s Rest
2) Healthy Meal Plans That Squash Inflammation and Lower Blood Sugar
3) Your Action Plan

To learn more, listen to our interview, or read below to see highlights from our talk.


Michale has 20 years of experience helping people get fit and healthy through her courses and 1 on 1 consulting. She is also the author of The Fit ‘n Healthy Plan and writes for numerous magazines. Michale’s passion to help others stems from experience reversing her own cases of amenorrhea and osteoporosis through diet, detox, and daily routine.

Michale credits journaling with saving her life. As a child, she struggled hard to fit in. Low self-esteem and a desire to feel accepted led Michale toward unhealthy behaviors like smoking and starving herself to be thin.

Years later, Michale began to seek answers. “I sat down and asked, ‘Who am I, and why am I here?’ I journaled about it, got it out of my body, and I started to see my story in my journal. It made sense, and I realized exactly why I’m here.”

Since this life-changing discovery, Michale has established healthy habits, a strong mind and body, and now she helps others do the same. She attributes much of her success to journaling.

1. Have confidence in the right plan. There are so many diets to choose from. The goal is to select a plan that will work for the long-term and that emphasizes health not merely weight loss.

2. Be consistent. Establishing a morning time journaling routine helps maintain a schedule that ensures you reach your goals. Michale suggests starting each day by recording important key indicators in your journal which include tracking:

  • sleep patterns
  • energy levels
  • bowel movements
  • menstrual cycles if you are a woman

This kind of record keeping shines a light on important details you can use to track your body’s response to diet, exercise, and particular sleep routines. You’ll see where and when you’re falling off track. In these ways, journaling helps us stay accountable.

3. Find your courage and glean support. You don’t have to do this alone. Seek out or cultivate a community void of judgement in which you are loved and your health goals are supported.

The Value of a Good Night’s Rest
Each of us has different health goals. In Michale’s case, she’s focused on optimizing her brain and body health in order to ensure a long and productive life. To achieve this goal, she commits to getting enough sleep. As an explanation, she recommends everyone read Lights Out: Sleep, Sugar, and Survival by T. S. Wiley and Bent Formby.

Wiley and Formby show that getting the required amount of sleep supports healthy weight loss because it curves our cravings for unhealthy carbs. Among other benefits of a good night’s rest cited in this book are:

  • reversal of type 2 diabetes
  • relief from depression
  • normalized blood pressure
  • reduced risk of heart disease and cancer

All of this sounds great, but sometimes a good night’s sleep feels elusive. Michale has an answer for that. She explains that preparation for a good night’s sleep starts in the morning.

Michale credits a consistent morning routine with her healthy sleep hygiene. In the morning, she puts a kettle on for beloved black organic coffee—chock full of antioxidants to support healthy aging. For this part of her day, Michale remains in a fasted state, giving her body time to “clean up old worn out cells.” She does an oil pull with coconut oil while waiting for coffee. From there, along with her coffee, Michale drinks one liter of water within 2 hours of waking. This helps turn the brain on and gets her feeling energized. From there she enters her office where she takes out her journal and records key markers (sleep bowel movements, menstruation, and energy) from the day before. Michale reviews the information and makes connections between how her body is performing vs the food, exercise, and level of activity she engaged with the day before.

This journaling routine, Michale notes, helps people be in alignment with their goals.

Healthy Meal Plans That Squash Inflammation and Lower Blood Sugar

Michale doesn’t track the specific foods she eats and never records calorie counts. She discourages her clients from doing so as well.

Instead, she offers tips to ensure your body gets exactly the nutrients it needs to perform well.

  1. Choose your protein source. Protein is a part of every cell in the body and it’s a fundamental part of a healthy diet.
  2. Eat healthy carbs. We need fiber found in colorful veggies to produce regular bowel movements that remove toxins from the body.
  3. Consume healthy fats for their anti-inflammatory effects.
    Prebiotic foods like beets and dandelion greens and probiotic foods such as sauerkraut, kimchi, kefir, and yogurt encourage healthy gut bacteria.
  4. Digest minerals to help take pain away. Sea vegetables full of trace minerals such as nori, dulse, and kelp are good sources. Drink a cup of bone broth each day.
  5. Season your food with herbs and spices—parsley is a diuretic for the kidneys, oregano bolsters the immune system, and cilantro is a heavy metal detoxer.

If all this talk of food is making your mouth water, you can download Michale’s cookbook, Fit ‘N Healthy Plan, on her website.

Your Action Plan
1) Learn more about Michale’s work. Visit her online at www.askmichale.com.

2) For healthy meal plans discussed in our interview, check out her cookbook Fit ‘N Healthy Plan on Michale’s website.

3) Listen to my conversation with Michale.

4) Cultivate your own morning journaling routine.

5) Take a look at Journaling.com’s Top 10 Journaling Resources for Physical Health.

Michale’s final words of wisdom came to her via Bob Proctors and his staff.

She teaches, “See what you want. Be it how you want it and become it now.”

We would also add, love who you are right now today even before you lose the weight.


Best Nutritional Practices for Best Exercise Outcomes

Come to my next talk on Exercise Nutrition!

“Best Nutritional Practices for
Best Exercise Outcomes”

By Michale Hartte, BASc (Nutr), NNCP, CH

The Role of Macronutrients and Micronutrients in Exercise Nutrition

At the end of this talk, you will learn 4 things:

  1. How to eat to build muscle, burn fat, and improve energy for optimal exercise outcomes.
  2. The importance micronutrients play in Exercise Nutrition
  3. Key supplements to enhance performance and recovery.
  4. Best morning and evening routine to set the stage for a high-performance day.

Room for Q and A afterward.

Date – Friday, Feb 14th

Time – 3-4pm

Location – The Athlete Den

3320 Richter Street
Kelowna, British Columbia

(250) 801-3868

Register by emailing info@theathleteden.ca or askmichale@gmail.com

Only 20 spots available. Open to the community.

If you’re ready to take your health to a whole new level, then come to my free talk!

Leptin Resistance Quiz

Leptin Resistance Quiz

Are you 20+ lbs overweight and still struggling? 

Do you feel even the mere thought of food makes you gain weight.

Maybe you’ve seen some success on the scale.

However, to your dismay, it quickly came back again.

You are not alone.

Many others are suffering just like you.

You may be suffering from Leptin Resistance.

Find out here


Leptin Resistance Quiz

Meet Leptin.

Many obesity researchers are increasingly looking at it to uncover the actual mechanism behind weight loss resistance. 

Being resistant to leptin’s signaling is now believed to the main driver of being overweight (or underweight). 

Leptin is a hormone produced from your white fat cells.

Leptin’s primary role is to regulate energy metabolism. In other words, how much food you need, for day to day activity.

When the body needs energy, leptin signals to the brain to eat.

When the body senses it’s had enough, you feel satisfied and stop eating. You go on with your day and start burning calories.

This system is known as a negative feedback loop, similar to other control mechanisms such as breathing and blood pressure regulation. 

From an evolutionary perspective, the ‘leptin system’ kept us from starving or overeating. It kept us alive and able to reproduce.

Bottom line: Leptin regulates how many calories you eat and burn and

how much fat you carry on your body.

Being Leptin Resistant spells disaster for anyone looking to lose body fat – particularly belly fat.







When you are leptin resistant, you are always hungry, have insatiable cravings and need to eat all the time. You are tired during the day and wired at night. You feel stressed all the time and don’t feel yourself. 


If you’ve been diagnosed with Diabetes type 2 or hypothyroid. You are Leptin Resistant.

Leptin resistance precedes insulin resistance and disrupts the thyroid from functioning properly.

If you want any hopes of dropping body fat and keeping it off in a sustainable manner, then fixing leptin is your #1 priority.

Focusing on just diet and exercise will likely not get you long-standing results, either.

Science reveals you’ve got to go deeper than that. You’ve got to fix what’s driving leptin resistance to finally unlock your ability to burn fat and get slim, strong and sexy.

Great news is you can!


Leptin Resistance Quiz



7 Ways to Get Healthy and Happier This Year

In this video, I’m going to share how you’re going to set up these NEXT 30 DAYS to WIN back your health and get happier this year.

Let me start by asking……

Are you still STRUGGLING to get healthy but keep falling off track?

Confused with what diet and exercise plan to follow?

Overwhelmed and fatigued, having a hard time getting started?

Hey, I’ve been there! I too have felt the same way. Which is exactly WHY I am here for you! I know what it feels like NOT to be healthy. HEALTH IS EVERYTHING! And life can just plain SUCK without it, right?

Good news is, after taking nearly 2 decades to figure this health stuff out and fixing my own health issues I wanted to share what worked for me. My health is back, better than ever and I’ve helped thousands along the way to get theirs back too.

Get ready to get educated, inspired, and motivated to take action RIGHT HERE! What are you waiting for? It’s a new decade! Time to get your health and happiness back!

Want a quick and simple 7-day plan to get your health back? Download it here and get started right away 7 Day Simple Health Reset