
One bowl Wonder


One Bowl Wonder – A Simple Way to Eat Healthy

Only 3 Easy Steps go into making your own bowl.  And YOU closer to getting leaner, cleaner, and healthier than you ever thought possible.

This is EXACTLY the type of meal I have most nights after I learned it from my super healthy 90 yr old Grandpa. He was considered one of the healthiest family members of us all. 

Why it works so well

The ONE BOWL WONDER is full of a healthy dose of

  • ‘Beta-glucans’ that lower cholesterol and help boost your immune system
  • ‘Probiotics’ that kill bad bacteria in your gut and lower inflammation
  • ‘Vitamin C’ that fight off viruses (like the C – Word) and others.

…and, maybe the MOST IMPORTANT POINT- helps you lose excess, unwanted belly fat! Try it and let me know your thoughts!

How to make

*****If you want simple, healthy recipes just like this, simply go here and Check out any one of my BOOKS or FREE RECIPE GUIDES Michale’s Fat Burning Books

Ok, now to How to make…….First off, I want you to get excited that, once you practice making it a few times, it literally takes about 20 minutes – start to finish. Which is a GODSEND when you come home hungry from work and need to feed yourself & your family well! We need quick after-work meals. Stick with me – I got your back!

3 Easy Steps to Creating a Delicious Meal

Creating your delicious and health-enhancing meals can be as easy as 1-2-3! Add variety to your eating plan by following the 3 steps below and changing the food selections. Make it fun for the whole family by placing the food selections in separate bowls for each member to pick and choose their unique meal. Eating healthy can be fun! Here is how to do it:

Start HERE

Step 1: Choose your protein source – one of the most important parts of your meal

As with any meal combination, begin by thinking of what your protein source will be. Most folks forget the importance of adding enough protein. Protein is what builds healthy, strong, lean bodies. Protein stimulates a hormone called, glucagon’ that burns body fat. Strive for 1 1/2 palm size per bowl. 

Your One bowl wonder is a great way to use up any pre-cooked meats or beans/lentils/whole grain combo.

Try grass-finished or pasture-raised meats, wild fish or seafood, properly prepared and cooked beans or lentils, tempeh, or unpasteurized organic cheese made from raw milk (or any European cheese will do – they do it right!). ***Remember, if choosing to have a vegetarian meal, use cheese, or simply combine your beans/lentils with presoaked or sprouted nuts/seeds or whole grain.

Keep these protein foods on hand to be used near the end as your topping.

Step 2: Select your carbohydrate source

Choose an assortment of vegetables for your carbohydrate source.

I find vegetables both slightly cooked and raw placed together in a dish can add a uniquely delicious dimension.

To prepare cooked vegetables – In a glass bowl, add any combination of the recommended vegetables with a thin coating of extra virgin olive oil and sea salt: thin slices of red onions and different colored potatoes (think slices will take too long to cook), broadly chopped broccoli and cauliflower, sliced red cabbage and carrots, whole mushrooms and Brussels Sprouts, and thick slices of zucchini.

Bake in oven on temp 325 degrees Celsius for 20 minutes (to check readiness, vegetables need to be still crispy, broccoli turns a bright green and red onions become very sweet)

To prepare raw vegetables – In a large glass bowl, chop or slice any combination of the recommended vegetables: beets, carrots, celerac (celery root) or celery stalk, cucumber, red/yellow/green peppers and cherry tomatoes.

Set aside.

If you choose to add grains, In a large glass bowl, place the recommended cooked grains: white rice (brown is too difficult to digest and not recommended), quinoa, millet, or kamut/rice/spelt/sprouted grain pasta.

Set aside.

Step 3: Enjoy a Fat source

Healthy fats really make the meal so much more satiating. Recommended fats that give delicious flavors include- melted butter (goes great with mixed herbs, crushed garlic, chili peppers, and grated parmesan cheese), avocado (try with crushed garlic and sea salt), extra virgin oil, sliced olives (my personal fav), flax oil (try chili garlic flavored), pumpkin seed oil, nut or seed butters (try pumpkin seed or hemp butter), coconut milk/cream or sesame oil. Or try dips like hummus, tahini, pesto, or artichoke dip as your healthy fat source.

Now to make:

In your individual serving bowl, place the grain on the bottom. Skip if not using grain and begin with cooked vegetables and place them on the bottom of the bowl. Next add raw vegetables, top with your protein source, then pour a little of the added healthy fats (about 1-2 Tbsp per person or 1/2 an avocado). Look below for added flavors. Experiment with any of the countless combinations to create different meals for anyone in the family any night of the week!

Recommended added flavors: mixed herbs (oregano, basil, rosemary), tarragon, crushed garlic, grated ginger, smoked chili pepper, crushed chili peppers, cumin, freshly ground black pepper, freshly squeezed lime juice and fresh cilantro, nutritional yeast, wasabi and low sodium soy sauce.

Almost done – sprinkle in Coconut Sugar (about 1 tsp per bowl) to add a bit of ‘sweet’ to your dish. No – this will not stop fat burning or your ability to get lean. It will polish off your ONE BOWL WONDER into something you will want to eat more of. 

However, you know my golden rule – EAT ONLY WHEN HUNGRY AND STOP WHEN 80% FULL

Before you know it, your family members will show a new excitement with all the family meals you can do together!

Send me a message and let me know how your one bowl wonder went! Offer up some suggestions and I can post them on Social Media 

Want to learn more about how you can eat to get fit and healthy? Book your FREE CALL and let me know your #1 Health Goal and Obstacles. Contact Michale

Don’t forget to follow @Coachmichalehartte for more content like this!







With fall in full swing, it’s time to think about boosting our immune system.

Starting now can really help when cold and flu season hits. What better way than to have an immune tonic on hand (your very own natural medicine in a bottle)!

Sore throat, achy body, and fatigue is anything but fun.

Thinking back, I wished I started making Fire Cider Immune Tonic 4 weeks back because although making it takes little time, you’ve got to wait 4 weeks to use it.

Making your own Natural Medicine not only can be both rewarding but work fast to fix many common ailments. Fire Cider Immune Tonic, in particular, is really effective as both a preventative to colds and flus but also can help stop them in its tracks when used correctly. 

Let’s get started – shall we?

How to Take Fire Cider Immune Tonic

Most folks take 1-2 Tbsp once a day as prevention and if cold and flu symptoms appear, increase does to every 3-4 hrs.

How to Make Fire Cider Immune Tonic

I would suggest doubling or tripling the recipe to have it ready all fall and winter long. You can offer it to your kids too. Think of it like taking a ‘health shot’ every day or to stop any signs of acute illness.

Need help pulling together the exact eating and wellness plan for you? Contact me at askmichale@gmail.com to book your FREE DISCOVERY CALL.


Keeping Fit n Healthy Simple.

Get Clean. Look Lean. Feel Healthy.




Healthy Snacks That Help You Lose Weight (get lean and stay that way)

I am about to share some quick to make, nutrient-dense healthy snacks that help you lose weight, get lean and stay that way. They’re also super smart to have on hand for grab and go. Whether you need something fast to take on your next spontaneous hike or have only 30 minutes between meetings, you’ll be shocked at how simple these snacks really are. 

Not only that, if you have teenage kids like I do, having these healthy snack foods on hand will also keep them healthy too (and away from the packaged foods we know aren’t good for them). 

Truth be told, my family eats and lives very simply. I really do not have the time to cook these days and we base 99% of our meals around simple, fresh, and real ingredients. 

Before I share what we do as a family to stay ‘fit n healthy’ I want to point out what I see a lot of out there in ‘health magazines’ or posted on social channels as ‘healthy snacks’. 

Some of which include

  • avocado fries with lime dipping sauce
  • fruit roll-ups
  • double chocolate granola bars
  • sweet trail mix

For one thing, I don’t know about you, but who has time to make these recipes? Furthermore, the ingredients I see are far from getting you into a leaner, cleaner, sexier version of yourself and even remotely ready for summer.

Too much sugar, too much flour and not necessary. If you truly want to look better from the outside we need to think about getting healthy from the inside and there is a much simpler, smarter way to do this.

Think Nutrient-Rich instead of Counting Calories for Weight Loss Snacks.

What I mean by that is I want you to start thinking about ‘nutrients’ instead of calories. Nutrients (e.g. amino acids, fatty acids, vitamins, minerals, and fiber) provide your body with what it needs to have proper body FUNCTION. The second part of this equation is are you absorbing your food and using it for repair, regeneration, building muscle, burning fat, supporting healthy hormone balance, and a robust metabolism?

Calories do not give you the entire picture. Where are the calories coming from? If it’s from non-nutrient sources that rob you of proper health and vitality like ‘healthy whole grains’ that aren’t properly prepared through soaking or sprouting, processed dairy that is devoid of their enzymes necessary for digestion, unsoaked nuts that are high in lectins, which can cause immune (allergic) reactions, gastrointestinal distress, that then further lead to nutritional deficiencies., refined sugar, vegetable oils, or chemicals you cannot read, then that is not what we want to lose weight and keep it off.  

We want to think of nutrient-rich + digestibility for healthy snacks.

So what are my recommendations for Healthy Snacks That Help You Lose Weight (get lean and stay that way)? 


  1. Ready-made wieners and cut up veggies. Try chicken, turkey, beef, or bison wieners (nitrite/nitrate-free). I like Wild Moon Pork European Weiners and sliced colored peppers, celery sticks, garden carrots, or cherry tomatoes. I simply dip wieners in a mixture of mustard and Primal Kitchen Avocado Oil Mayo for best enjoyment and added health benefits. 
  2. Pepperoni (nitrite/nitrate-free) and cut up veggies. Try bison, beef, or bison sausages. I like Pig City Pasture-raised meats located in Lumby. 
  3. Hard-boiled eggs (simply boil for 8- 10 minutes) and cut up veggies. Get your eggs from a grass-fed, pastured, organic source, and eat the yolk! Yolks are high in choline, which is essential for proper brain and nervous system function (aka you get smarter and calmer).
  4. Beef or Buffalo Burgers and cut up veggies. Try salmon, veggie, beef/bison, or turkey burgers.
  5. Chewy Chocolate Balls and cut up veggies.
  6. The Perfect Protein Bar (my personal favorite). Take with you in a cooler and ice pack.
  7. Cheese and olives. Go for cheese made from raw milk and unpasteurized, ideally sourced from A2 cows, goat, or sheep. 
  8. Lettuce wraps filled with organic meat, smoked wild salmon or eggs, with grated carrots, beets and sprouts, and Primal Kitchen Avocado Oil Mayo, garlic. and relishes or chili sauce. 
  9. Cottage Cheese Pancakes. Great tasting and easy to digest. Client and family favorite.


  1. Simple slices of organic meats and a side kale salad.
  2. Sushi. Avoid soy, edamame, and rolls with fried ingredients, and instead, enjoy sashimi and seaweed salad unless you’ve just finished a workout and using as your carb ‘re-feed’.
  3. Roast chicken and a side salad. Dress it with olives, avocado, crushed garlic, ground oregano, and parmesan cheese. Drizzle olive oil, balsamic vinegar or lemon/ lime to complete.
  4. Bean or lentil soup with a sprouted whole grain bun (buy more soup and have it tomorrow or add it to a previously soaked rice or quinoa for dinner).
  5. Samosa and a side of turkey sausages.
  6. Spanakopita.
  7. Ready-made sandwiches (which include a protein source and made on sprouted grain bread).
  8. Mixed veggie salad and a side of sausages (nitrate/nitrite free). Try: turkey, bison, or beef sausages.
  9. Bean or lentil burgers with a side veggie salad containing either nuts/seeds or sprouted grain.
  10. Chicken or Beef soup (buy more soup and have it later or add it to a salad for dinner).
  11. Snack bar. Look for ingredients that contain dried fruits or natural sweeteners with nuts and seeds. Avoid artificial sweeteners, soy (unless fermented) and refined sugars (corn syrup, glucose, sucrose). I like Good Fats bar or Lara Bar.
  12. Bean or lentil salad. Add some cheese (made from raw milk) or sprouted whole grain for a complete protein.


When it comes to healthy snacks. Just keep it Simple. Clean. and Fresh to get lean, fit, and healthy. This will allow for easy weight loss and to keep ‘beach body ready’ all year round. THIS works!

Like this way of eating to lose weight and want more?

Are you over 40 and serious about losing 20+ lbs in 8 weeks or less without giving up your favorite foods (or wine)? I have a new 30-day program called, The Fit n Healthy Fat Loss Plan.

Includes a Customized Simple Diet, 30 Day Easy Meal Plan, 2-20 min weekly exercise program, top digestion and sleep tips to get you, whole-body health results fast, and for a lifetime. Want accountability? You got it! All part of my simple and complete fat burning, body beautiful, health-promoting plan.

Send me an email askmichale@gmail.com to see if you quality 

Full Flavor Seasoning Mix – Homemade!

Be the King or Queen in your kitchen with this full flavor seasoning mix. Make ANY dish go from good to GREAT! Use on chicken, fish, seafood, meat, eggs, veggies, or salad. You name it. This seasoning mix works on any meals that inspire you to create a savory, earthy, dish bursting with flavor! 

Flavor your foods this way and eat healthy in less time!

Like this and want to get and stay Fit n Healthy for Life?

Join the fastest growing  Fit n Healthy Community

For FREE LIVE TRAINING to Burn Fat, Get Toned, Look and Feel 10 Years Younger! 

See you there!

Your Coach M💕

Best Tasting Muffins (slimming and healthy)

Looking for a guilt-free snack? Do you love muffins? Want a recipe that keeps your tastebuds happy, waistline slim, and you healthy and well with zero guilt?

Then you will fall in LOVE with my Best Tasting Muffins that keep you slim and healthy! Great for the whole family too.

They make a great quick breakfast or snack, a side bread with a meal or after-dinner treat (my personal preference). 

The KEY nutrients in these Best Tasting Muffins include the use of coconut (known for its antimicrobial properties), arrowroot starch/flour (high in calcium), Ceylon cinnamon (keeps our blood sugar stable). 

For more recipes like these, download Michale’s Recipe EBook

Need help with your meal plan? Book a FREE call for a Customized Meal Plan to suit your preferences, health and fitness goals. Michale’s Calendar

I hope you enjoy these healthy snacks as much as we do. Take a bunch of healthy muffins as your next grab and go snack!